Fund Directory - American Century Investments

Click on the fund symbol for a comprehensive Fund Cost Report.
Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
ACVAXAggressive FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
ASTAXAggressive FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AAAIXAggressive FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
ASAUXAggressive FundR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AAAUXAggressive FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
TWSAXAggressive FundInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AAARXAggressive FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AORYXAggressiveRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AOGIXAggressiveInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
KORPAmerican Century Diversified Corporate Bond ETFCore Plus Bond
TAXFAmerican Century Diversified Municipal Bond ETFGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
AEMBAmerican Century Emerging Markets Bond ETFEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
FDGAmerican Century Focused Dynamic Growth ETFLarge-Cap Growth
FLVAmerican Century Focused Large Cap Value ETFLarge-Cap Value
LVOLAmerican Century Low Volatility ETFLarge-Cap Core
MIDAmerican Century Mid Cap Growth Impact ETFMulti-Cap Growth
FUSIAmerican Century Multisector Floating Income ETFShort-Investment-Grade Debt
MUSIAmerican Century Multisector Income ETFMulti-Sector Income
QCONAmerican Century Quality Convertible Securities ETFConvertible Securities
QINTAmerican Century Quality Diversified International ETFInternational Multi-Cap Core
QPFFAmerican Century Quality Preferred ETFFlexible Income
AHYBAmerican Century Select High Yield ETFHigh Yield
SDSIAmerican Century Short Duration Strategic Income ETFShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
ESGAAmerican Century Sustainable Equity ETFLarge-Cap Core
ESGYAmerican Century Sustainable Growth ETFLarge-Cap Growth
QGROAmerican Century US Quality Growth ETFMulti-Cap Growth
VALQAmerican Century US Quality Value ETFMulti-Cap Value
AVGEAvantis All Equity Markets ETFGlobal Multi-Cap Core
AVGVAvantis All Equity Markets Value ETFGlobal Multi-Cap Value
AVNMAvantis All International Markets Equity ETFInternational Multi-Cap Core
AVNVAvantis All International Markets Value ETFInternational Multi-Cap Value
AVIGAvantis Core Fixed Income ETFGeneral Bond
AVBNXAvantis Core Fixed Income FundGGeneral Bond
AVIGXAvantis Core Fixed Income FundInstitutionalGeneral Bond
AVMUAvantis Core Municipal Fixed Income ETFGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
AVEMAvantis Emerging Markets Equity ETFEmerging Markets
AVENXAvantis Emerging Markets Equity FundGEmerging Markets
AVEEXAvantis Emerging Markets Equity FundInstitutionalEmerging Markets
AVEEAvantis Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity ETFEmerging Markets
AVESAvantis Emerging Markets Value ETFEmerging Markets
AVXCAvantis Emerging Markets ex-China Equity ETFEmerging Markets
AVIEAvantis Inflation Focused Equity ETFMulti-Cap Value
AVDEAvantis International Equity ETFInternational Multi-Cap Value
AVDNXAvantis International Equity FundGInternational Multi-Cap Core
AVDEXAvantis International Equity FundInstitutionalInternational Multi-Cap Core
AVIVAvantis International Large Cap Value ETFInternational Multi-Cap Value
AVDSAvantis International Small Cap Equity ETFInternational Small/Mid-Cap Core
AVDVAvantis International Small Cap Value ETFInternational Small/Mid-Cap Value
AVANXAvantis International Small Cap Value FundGInternational Small/Mid-Cap Value
AVDVXAvantis International Small Cap Value FundInstitutionalInternational Small/Mid-Cap Value
AVMAAvantis Moderate Allocation ETFMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AVREAvantis Real Estate ETFGlobal Real Estate
AVSEAvantis Responsible Emerging Markets Equity ETFEmerging Markets
AVSDAvantis Responsible International Equity ETFInternational Multi-Cap Core
AVSUAvantis Responsible US Equity ETFMulti-Cap Core
AVSFAvantis Short-Term Fixed Income ETFShort-Investment-Grade Debt
AVGNXAvantis Short-Term Fixed Income FundGShort-Investment-Grade Debt
AVSFXAvantis Short-Term Fixed Income FundInstitutionalShort-Investment-Grade Debt
AVUSAvantis US Equity ETFMulti-Cap Core
AVUNXAvantis US Equity FundGMulti-Cap Core
AVUSXAvantis US Equity FundInstitutionalMulti-Cap Core
AVLCAvantis US Large Cap Equity ETFLarge-Cap Core
AVLVAvantis US Large Cap Value ETFMulti-Cap Value
ALCEXAvantis US Large Cap Value FundGLarge-Cap Value
AVLVXAvantis US Large Cap Value FundInstitutionalLarge-Cap Value
AVMCAvantis US Mid Cap Equity ETFMid-Cap Core
AVMVAvantis US Mid Cap Value ETFMid-Cap Value
AVSCAvantis US Small Cap Equity ETFSmall-Cap Core
AVUVAvantis US Small Cap Value ETFSmall-Cap Core
AVCNXAvantis US Small Cap Value FundGSmall-Cap Core
AVUVXAvantis US Small Cap Value FundInstitutionalSmall-Cap Core
ABINXBalanced FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
ABGNXBalanced FundR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TWBIXBalanced FundInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CAYAXCalifornia High-Yield Municipal FundACalifornia Municipal Debt
CAYCXCalifornia High-Yield Municipal FundCCalifornia Municipal Debt
BCHIXCalifornia High-Yield Municipal FundICalifornia Municipal Debt
ACYHXCalifornia High-Yield Municipal FundYCalifornia Municipal Debt
BCHYXCalifornia High-Yield Municipal FundInvestor ClCalifornia Municipal Debt
BCIAXCalifornia Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundCl ACalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
BCIYXCalifornia Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundCl CCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
BCTIXCalifornia Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundCl ICalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
ACYTXCalifornia Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundCl YCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
BCITXCalifornia Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundInvCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
BCTXXCalifornia Tax-Free Money Market FundInvestorCalifornia Tax-Exempt Money Market
CPFXXCapital Preservation FundInvestorU.S. Treasury Money Market
ACCAXConservative FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AACCXConservative FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
ACCIXConservative FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AACGXConservative FundR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AACDXConservative FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TWSCXConservative FundInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AACRXConservative FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AORSXConservativeRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AOCIXConservativeInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
ACCQXCore Plus FundACore Plus Bond
ACCKXCore Plus FundCCore Plus Bond
ACCYXCore Plus FundGCore Plus Bond
ACCTXCore Plus FundICore Plus Bond
ACCPXCore Plus FundRCore Plus Bond
ACCUXCore Plus FundR5Core Plus Bond
ACCNXCore Plus FundInvestorCore Plus Bond
AMADXDisciplined Core Value FundAMulti-Cap Value
ACGCXDisciplined Core Value FundCMulti-Cap Value
AMGIXDisciplined Core Value FundIMulti-Cap Value
AICRXDisciplined Core Value FundRMulti-Cap Value
AICGXDisciplined Core Value FundR5Multi-Cap Value
BIGRXDisciplined Core Value FundInvestorMulti-Cap Value
ADCVXDisciplined Growth FundALarge-Cap Growth
ADCCXDisciplined Growth FundCLarge-Cap Growth
ADCIXDisciplined Growth FundILarge-Cap Growth
ADRRXDisciplined Growth FundRLarge-Cap Growth
ADGGXDisciplined Growth FundR5Large-Cap Growth
ADCYXDisciplined Growth FundYLarge-Cap Growth
ADSIXDisciplined Growth FundInvestorLarge-Cap Growth
ADFAXDiversified Bond FundACore Bond
CDBCXDiversified Bond FundCCore Bond
ACDOXDiversified Bond FundGCore Bond
ACBPXDiversified Bond FundICore Bond
ADVRXDiversified Bond FundRCore Bond
ADRVXDiversified Bond FundR5Core Bond
ADDVXDiversified Bond FundR6Core Bond
ADVYXDiversified Bond FundYCore Bond
ADFIXDiversified Bond FundInvestorCore Bond
AEDQXEmerging Markets Debt FundAEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEDHXEmerging Markets Debt FundCEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEDGXEmerging Markets Debt FundGEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEHDXEmerging Markets Debt FundIEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEDWXEmerging Markets Debt FundREmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEDJXEmerging Markets Debt FundR5Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEXDXEmerging Markets Debt FundR6Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEYDXEmerging Markets Debt FundYEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEDVXEmerging Markets Debt FundInvestorEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
AEMMXEmerging Markets FundAEmerging Markets
ACECXEmerging Markets FundCEmerging Markets
ACADXEmerging Markets FundGEmerging Markets
AMKIXEmerging Markets FundIEmerging Markets
AEGMXEmerging Markets FundR5Emerging Markets
AEDMXEmerging Markets FundR6Emerging Markets
AEYMXEmerging Markets FundYEmerging Markets
TWMIXEmerging Markets FundInvestorEmerging Markets
AEMRXEmerging Markets FundREmerging Markets
AECLXEmerging Markets Small Cap FundAEmerging Markets
AECHXEmerging Markets Small Cap FundCEmerging Markets
AECSXEmerging Markets Small Cap FundIEmerging Markets
AECMXEmerging Markets Small Cap FundREmerging Markets
AECTXEmerging Markets Small Cap FundR6Emerging Markets
AECVXEmerging Markets Small Cap FundInvestorEmerging Markets
BEQAXEquity Growth FundAMulti-Cap Core
AEYCXEquity Growth FundCMulti-Cap Core
AMEIXEquity Growth FundIMulti-Cap Core
AEYRXEquity Growth FundRMulti-Cap Core
AEYGXEquity Growth FundR5Multi-Cap Core
BEQGXEquity Growth FundInvestorMulti-Cap Core
TWEAXEquity Income FundAEquity Income
AEYIXEquity Income FundCEquity Income
AEIMXEquity Income FundGEquity Income
ACIIXEquity Income FundIEquity Income
AEURXEquity Income FundREquity Income
AEIUXEquity Income FundR5Equity Income
AEUDXEquity Income FundR6Equity Income
AEIYXEquity Income FundYEquity Income
TWEIXEquity Income FundInvestorEquity Income
ACFDXFocused Dynamic Growth FundAMulti-Cap Growth
ACFGXFocused Dynamic Growth FundGMulti-Cap Growth
ACFSXFocused Dynamic Growth FundIMulti-Cap Growth
ACFCXFocused Dynamic Growth FundRMulti-Cap Growth
ACFNXFocused Dynamic Growth FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
ACFOXFocused Dynamic Growth FundInvestorMulti-Cap Growth
AGGRXFocused Global Growth FundAGlobal Large-Cap Growth
AGLCXFocused Global Growth FundCGlobal Large-Cap Growth
AGGIXFocused Global Growth FundIGlobal Large-Cap Growth
AGORXFocused Global Growth FundRGlobal Large-Cap Growth
AGFGXFocused Global Growth FundR5Global Large-Cap Growth
AGGDXFocused Global Growth FundR6Global Large-Cap Growth
AGYGXFocused Global Growth FundYGlobal Large-Cap Growth
TWGGXFocused Global Growth FundInvestorGlobal Large-Cap Growth
AFCLXFocused International Growth FundAInternational Large-Cap Growth
AFCHXFocused International Growth FundCInternational Large-Cap Growth
AFCGXFocused International Growth FundGInternational Large-Cap Growth
AFCSXFocused International Growth FundIInternational Large-Cap Growth
AFCWXFocused International Growth FundRInternational Large-Cap Growth
AFCMXFocused International Growth FundR6International Large-Cap Growth
AFCNXFocused International Growth FundInvestorInternational Large-Cap Growth
ALPAXFocused Large Cap Value FundAMulti-Cap Value
ALPCXFocused Large Cap Value FundCMulti-Cap Value
ACFLXFocused Large Cap Value FundGMulti-Cap Value
ALVSXFocused Large Cap Value FundIMulti-Cap Value
ALVRXFocused Large Cap Value FundRMulti-Cap Value
ALVGXFocused Large Cap Value FundR5Multi-Cap Value
ALVDXFocused Large Cap Value FundR6Multi-Cap Value
ALVIXFocused Large Cap Value FundInvestorMulti-Cap Value
AGMNXGinnie Mae FundR5GNMA
BGNMXGinnie Mae FundInvestorGNMA
AGBAXGlobal Bond FundAGlobal Income
AGBTXGlobal Bond FundCGlobal Income
AGBGXGlobal Bond FundGGlobal Income
AGBHXGlobal Bond FundIGlobal Income
AGBRXGlobal Bond FundRGlobal Income
AGBNXGlobal Bond FundR5Global Income
AGBDXGlobal Bond FundR6Global Income
AGBWXGlobal Bond FundYGlobal Income
AGBVXGlobal Bond FundInvestorGlobal Income
ACGGXGlobal Gold FundAPrecious Metals Equity
AGYCXGlobal Gold FundCPrecious Metals Equity
AGGNXGlobal Gold FundIPrecious Metals Equity
AGGWXGlobal Gold FundRPrecious Metals Equity
BGEIXGlobal Gold FundInvestorPrecious Metals Equity
ARYMXGlobal Real Estate FundAGlobal Real Estate
ARYTXGlobal Real Estate FundCGlobal Real Estate
ACIWXGlobal Real Estate FundGGlobal Real Estate
ARYNXGlobal Real Estate FundIGlobal Real Estate
ARYWXGlobal Real Estate FundRGlobal Real Estate
ARYGXGlobal Real Estate FundR5Global Real Estate
ARYDXGlobal Real Estate FundR6Global Real Estate
ARYYXGlobal Real Estate FundYGlobal Real Estate
ARYVXGlobal Real Estate FundInvestorGlobal Real Estate
AGCLXGlobal Small Cap FundAGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
AGCHXGlobal Small Cap FundCGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
AGCSXGlobal Small Cap FundIGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
AGCWXGlobal Small Cap FundRGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
AGCTXGlobal Small Cap FundR6GLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
AGCVXGlobal Small Cap FundInvestorGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
ABTAXGovernment Bond FundAIntermediate U.S. Government
ABTCXGovernment Bond FundCIntermediate U.S. Government
ABHTXGovernment Bond FundIIntermediate U.S. Government
ABTRXGovernment Bond FundRIntermediate U.S. Government
ABTIXGovernment Bond FundR5Intermediate U.S. Government
CPTNXGovernment Bond FundInvestorIntermediate U.S. Government
TCRAXGrowth FundALarge-Cap Growth
TWRCXGrowth FundCLarge-Cap Growth
ACIHXGrowth FundGLarge-Cap Growth
TWGIXGrowth FundILarge-Cap Growth
AGWRXGrowth FundRLarge-Cap Growth
AGWUXGrowth FundR5Large-Cap Growth
AGRDXGrowth FundR6Large-Cap Growth
AGYWXGrowth FundYLarge-Cap Growth
TWCGXGrowth FundInvestorLarge-Cap Growth
ATHAXHeritage FundAMulti-Cap Growth
AHGCXHeritage FundCMulti-Cap Growth
ACILXHeritage FundGMulti-Cap Growth
ATHIXHeritage FundIMulti-Cap Growth
ATHWXHeritage FundRMulti-Cap Growth
ATHGXHeritage FundR5Multi-Cap Growth
ATHDXHeritage FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
ATHYXHeritage FundYMulti-Cap Growth
TWHIXHeritage FundInvestorMulti-Cap Growth
AHIAXHigh Income FundAHigh Yield
ACHFXHigh Income FundGHigh Yield
AHIIXHigh Income FundIHigh Yield
AHIEXHigh Income FundR5High Yield
AHIDXHigh Income FundR6High Yield
NPHIXHigh Income FundYHigh Yield
AHIVXHigh Income FundInvestorHigh Yield
AHYVXHigh-Yield FundAHigh Yield
AHDCXHigh-Yield FundCHigh Yield
AHYHXHigh-Yield FundIHigh Yield
AHYRXHigh-Yield FundRHigh Yield
ACYIXHigh-Yield FundR5High Yield
AHYDXHigh-Yield FundR6High Yield
AHYLXHigh-Yield FundYHigh Yield
ABHIXHigh-Yield FundInvestorHigh Yield
AYMAXHigh-Yield Municipal FundAHigh Yield Municipal Debt
AYMCXHigh-Yield Municipal FundCHigh Yield Municipal Debt
AYMIXHigh-Yield Municipal FundIHigh Yield Municipal Debt
AYMYXHigh-Yield Municipal FundYHigh Yield Municipal Debt
ABHYXHigh-Yield Municipal FundInvestorHigh Yield Municipal Debt
AIAVXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundAInflation-Protected Bond
AINOXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundCInflation-Protected Bond
AINGXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundGInflation-Protected Bond
AIAHXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundIInflation-Protected Bond
AIARXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundRInflation-Protected Bond
AIANXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundR5Inflation-Protected Bond
AIADXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundR6Inflation-Protected Bond
AIAYXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundYInflation-Protected Bond
ACITXInflation-Adjusted Bond FundInvestorInflation-Protected Bond
TWWOXIntermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundAIntermediate Municipal Debt
TWTCXIntermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundCIntermediate Municipal Debt
AXBIXIntermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundIIntermediate Municipal Debt
ATBYXIntermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundYIntermediate Municipal Debt
TWTIXIntermediate-Term Tax-Free Bond FundInvestorIntermediate Municipal Debt
TWGAXInternational Growth FundAInternational Large-Cap Growth
AIWCXInternational Growth FundCInternational Large-Cap Growth
ACAEXInternational Growth FundGInternational Large-Cap Growth
TGRIXInternational Growth FundIInternational Large-Cap Growth
ATGRXInternational Growth FundRInternational Large-Cap Growth
ATGGXInternational Growth FundR5International Large-Cap Growth
ATGDXInternational Growth FundR6International Large-Cap Growth
ATYGXInternational Growth FundYInternational Large-Cap Growth
TWIEXInternational Growth FundInvestorInternational Large-Cap Growth
AIVOXInternational Opportunities FundAInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
AIOCXInternational Opportunities FundCInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
ACIOXInternational Opportunities FundIInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
AIORXInternational Opportunities FundRInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
AIOIXInternational Opportunities FundInvestorInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
ANTMXInternational Small-Mid Cap FundGInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
ANTSXInternational Small-Mid Cap FundInvestorInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
MEQAXInternational Value FundAInternational Multi-Cap Value
ACCOXInternational Value FundCInternational Multi-Cap Value
ACAFXInternational Value FundGInternational Multi-Cap Value
ACVUXInternational Value FundIInternational Multi-Cap Value
ACVRXInternational Value FundRInternational Multi-Cap Value
ACVDXInternational Value FundR6International Multi-Cap Value
ACEVXInternational Value FundInvestorInternational Multi-Cap Value
ACLAXMid Cap Value FundAMid-Cap Value
ACCLXMid Cap Value FundCMid-Cap Value
ACIPXMid Cap Value FundGMid-Cap Value
AVUAXMid Cap Value FundIMid-Cap Value
AMVRXMid Cap Value FundRMid-Cap Value
AMVGXMid Cap Value FundR5Mid-Cap Value
AMDVXMid Cap Value FundR6Mid-Cap Value
AMVYXMid Cap Value FundYMid-Cap Value
ACMVXMid Cap Value FundInvestorMid-Cap Value
ACOAXModerate FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
ASTCXModerate FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
ASAMXModerate FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
ASMUXModerate FundR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
ASMDXModerate FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TWSMXModerate FundInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
ASMRXModerate FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AORMXModerateRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AOMIXModerateInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
ASIQXMultisector Income FundAMulti-Sector Income
ASIHXMultisector Income FundCMulti-Sector Income
ASIGXMultisector Income FundIMulti-Sector Income
ASIWXMultisector Income FundRMulti-Sector Income
ASIJXMultisector Income FundR5Multi-Sector Income
ASIPXMultisector Income FundR6Multi-Sector Income
ASYIXMultisector Income FundYMulti-Sector Income
ASIEXMultisector Income FundInvestorMulti-Sector Income
ANVLXNon-US Intrinsic Value FundAInternational Multi-Cap Value
ANTGXNon-US Intrinsic Value FundGInternational Multi-Cap Value
ANVHXNon-US Intrinsic Value FundIInternational Multi-Cap Value
ANVRXNon-US Intrinsic Value FundRInternational Multi-Cap Value
ANVMXNon-US Intrinsic Value FundR6International Multi-Cap Value
ANTUXNon-US Intrinsic Value FundInvestorInternational Multi-Cap Value
ARWAXOne Choice 2025 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2025
ARWCXOne Choice 2025 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2025
ARWFXOne Choice 2025 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2025
ARWRXOne Choice 2025 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2025
ARWDXOne Choice 2025 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2025
ARWIXOne Choice 2025 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2025
ARCMXOne Choice 2030 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2030
ARWOXOne Choice 2030 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2030
ARCSXOne Choice 2030 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2030
ARCRXOne Choice 2030 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2030
ARCUXOne Choice 2030 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2030
ARCVXOne Choice 2030 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2030
ARYAXOne Choice 2035 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2035
ARLCXOne Choice 2035 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2035
ARLIXOne Choice 2035 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2035
ARYRXOne Choice 2035 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2035
ARLDXOne Choice 2035 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2035
ARYIXOne Choice 2035 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2035
ARDMXOne Choice 2040 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2040
ARNOXOne Choice 2040 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2040
ARDSXOne Choice 2040 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2040
ARDRXOne Choice 2040 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2040
ARDUXOne Choice 2040 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2040
ARDVXOne Choice 2040 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2040
AROAXOne Choice 2045 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2045
AROCXOne Choice 2045 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2045
AOOIXOne Choice 2045 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2045
ARORXOne Choice 2045 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2045
ARDOXOne Choice 2045 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2045
AROIXOne Choice 2045 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2045
ARFMXOne Choice 2050 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2050
ARFDXOne Choice 2050 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2050
ARFSXOne Choice 2050 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2050
ARFWXOne Choice 2050 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2050
ARFEXOne Choice 2050 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2050
ARFVXOne Choice 2050 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2050
AREMXOne Choice 2055 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2055+
AREFXOne Choice 2055 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2055+
ARENXOne Choice 2055 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2055+
AREOXOne Choice 2055 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2055+
AREUXOne Choice 2055 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
AREVXOne Choice 2055 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2055+
ARGMXOne Choice 2060 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2060
ARGHXOne Choice 2060 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2060
ARGNXOne Choice 2060 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2060
ARGRXOne Choice 2060 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2060
ARGDXOne Choice 2060 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2060
ARGVXOne Choice 2060 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2060
ARHMXOne Choice 2065 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2060+
ARHEXOne Choice 2065 PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target 2060+
ARHUXOne Choice 2065 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2060+
ARHFXOne Choice 2065 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2060+
ARHSXOne Choice 2065 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
ARHVXOne Choice 2065 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2060+
AAAJXOne Choice Blend+ 2015 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2015
AAAHXOne Choice Blend+ 2015 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2015
AAAKXOne Choice Blend+ 2015 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2015
AAALXOne Choice Blend+ 2015 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2015
AAAFXOne Choice Blend+ 2015 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2015
AABEXOne Choice Blend+ 2020 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2020
AAAOXOne Choice Blend+ 2020 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2020
AABGXOne Choice Blend+ 2020 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2020
AABHXOne Choice Blend+ 2020 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2020
AAAMXOne Choice Blend+ 2020 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2020
AABQXOne Choice Blend+ 2025 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2025
AABKXOne Choice Blend+ 2025 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2025
AABRXOne Choice Blend+ 2025 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2025
AABVXOne Choice Blend+ 2025 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2025
AABJXOne Choice Blend+ 2025 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2025
AABZXOne Choice Blend+ 2030 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2030
AAEWXOne Choice Blend+ 2030 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2030
AACHXOne Choice Blend+ 2030 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2030
AACJXOne Choice Blend+ 2030 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2030
AABWXOne Choice Blend+ 2030 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2030
AACMXOne Choice Blend+ 2035 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2035
AACLXOne Choice Blend+ 2035 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2035
AACPXOne Choice Blend+ 2035 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2035
AACQXOne Choice Blend+ 2035 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2035
AACKXOne Choice Blend+ 2035 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2035
AACVXOne Choice Blend+ 2040 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2040
AACUXOne Choice Blend+ 2040 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2040
AACWXOne Choice Blend+ 2040 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2040
AACZXOne Choice Blend+ 2040 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2040
AACSXOne Choice Blend+ 2040 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2040
AADKXOne Choice Blend+ 2045 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2045
AADJXOne Choice Blend+ 2045 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2045
AADLXOne Choice Blend+ 2045 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2045
AADMXOne Choice Blend+ 2045 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2045
AADHXOne Choice Blend+ 2045 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2045
AADPXOne Choice Blend+ 2050 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2050
AADOXOne Choice Blend+ 2050 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2050
AADQXOne Choice Blend+ 2050 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2050
AADUXOne Choice Blend+ 2050 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2050
AADNXOne Choice Blend+ 2050 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2050
AADZXOne Choice Blend+ 2055 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2055+
AADWXOne Choice Blend+ 2055 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2055+
AAEDXOne Choice Blend+ 2055 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2055+
AAEEXOne Choice Blend+ 2055 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
AADVXOne Choice Blend+ 2055 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2055+
AAEHXOne Choice Blend+ 2060 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2060
AAEGXOne Choice Blend+ 2060 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2060
AAEIXOne Choice Blend+ 2060 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2060
AAEJXOne Choice Blend+ 2060 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2060
AAEFXOne Choice Blend+ 2060 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2060
AAEOXOne Choice Blend+ 2065 PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target 2060+
AAELXOne Choice Blend+ 2065 PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target 2060+
AAEUXOne Choice Blend+ 2065 PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target 2060+
AAEVXOne Choice Blend+ 2065 PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
AAEKXOne Choice Blend+ 2065 PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target 2060+
ARTAXOne Choice In Retirement PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target Today
ATTCXOne Choice In Retirement PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target Today
ATTIXOne Choice In Retirement PortfolioIMixed-Asset Target Today
ARSRXOne Choice In Retirement PortfolioRMixed-Asset Target Today
ARDTXOne Choice In Retirement PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target Today
ARTOXOne Choice In Retirement PortfolioInvestorMixed-Asset Target Today
ACAXXPrime Money Market FundAMoney Market Instrument
ARCXXPrime Money Market FundCMoney Market Instrument
BPRXXPrime Money Market FundInvestorMoney Market Instrument
AREEXReal Estate FundAReal Estate
ARYCXReal Estate FundCReal Estate
REAIXReal Estate FundIReal Estate
AREWXReal Estate FundRReal Estate
ARREXReal Estate FundR5Real Estate
AREDXReal Estate FundR6Real Estate
ARYEXReal Estate FundYReal Estate
REACXReal Estate FundInvestorReal Estate
TWCAXSelect FundALarge-Cap Growth
ACSLXSelect FundCLarge-Cap Growth
ASLDXSelect FundGLarge-Cap Growth
TWSIXSelect FundILarge-Cap Growth
ASERXSelect FundRLarge-Cap Growth
ASLGXSelect FundR5Large-Cap Growth
ASDEXSelect FundR6Large-Cap Growth
ASLWXSelect FundYLarge-Cap Growth
TWCIXSelect FundInvestorLarge-Cap Growth
ACSQXShort Duration FundAShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ACSKXShort Duration FundCShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ASDOXShort Duration FundGShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ASHHXShort Duration FundIShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ACSPXShort Duration FundRShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ACSUXShort Duration FundR5Short-Investment-Grade Debt
ASDDXShort Duration FundR6Short-Investment-Grade Debt
ACSNXShort Duration FundInvestorShort-Investment-Grade Debt
APOAXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundAInflation-Protected Bond
APOCXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundCInflation-Protected Bond
APOGXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundGInflation-Protected Bond
APOHXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundIInflation-Protected Bond
APORXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundRInflation-Protected Bond
APISXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundR5Inflation-Protected Bond
APODXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundR6Inflation-Protected Bond
APOYXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundYInflation-Protected Bond
APOIXShort Duration Inflation Protection Bond FundInvestorInflation-Protected Bond
ASADXShort Duration Strategic Income FundAShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ASCDXShort Duration Strategic Income FundCShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ASDHXShort Duration Strategic Income FundIShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ASDRXShort Duration Strategic Income FundRShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ASDJXShort Duration Strategic Income FundR5Short-Investment-Grade Debt
ASXDXShort Duration Strategic Income FundR6Short-Investment-Grade Debt
ASYDXShort Duration Strategic Income FundYShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ASDVXShort Duration Strategic Income FundInvestorShort-Investment-Grade Debt
TWAVXShort-Term Government FundAShort U.S. Government
TWACXShort-Term Government FundCShort U.S. Government
ASGHXShort-Term Government FundIShort U.S. Government
TWARXShort-Term Government FundRShort U.S. Government
TWUOXShort-Term Government FundR5Short U.S. Government
TWUSXShort-Term Government FundInvestorShort U.S. Government
AMAHXSmall Cap Dividend FundASmall-Cap Value
AMALXSmall Cap Dividend FundGSmall-Cap Value
AMAFXSmall Cap Dividend FundISmall-Cap Value
AMAJXSmall Cap Dividend FundRSmall-Cap Value
AMAKXSmall Cap Dividend FundR6Small-Cap Value
AMAEXSmall Cap Dividend FundInvestorSmall-Cap Value
ANOAXSmall Cap Growth FundASmall-Cap Growth
ANOCXSmall Cap Growth FundCSmall-Cap Growth
ANOHXSmall Cap Growth FundGSmall-Cap Growth
ANONXSmall Cap Growth FundISmall-Cap Growth
ANORXSmall Cap Growth FundRSmall-Cap Growth
ANOGXSmall Cap Growth FundR5Small-Cap Growth
ANODXSmall Cap Growth FundR6Small-Cap Growth
ANOYXSmall Cap Growth FundYSmall-Cap Growth
ANOIXSmall Cap Growth FundInvestorSmall-Cap Growth
ACSCXSmall Cap Value FundASmall-Cap Core
ASVNXSmall Cap Value FundCSmall-Cap Core
ASVHXSmall Cap Value FundGSmall-Cap Core
ACVIXSmall Cap Value FundISmall-Cap Core
ASVRXSmall Cap Value FundRSmall-Cap Core
ASVGXSmall Cap Value FundR5Small-Cap Core
ASVDXSmall Cap Value FundR6Small-Cap Core
ASVYXSmall Cap Value FundYSmall-Cap Core
ASVIXSmall Cap Value FundInvestorSmall-Cap Core
ASQAXSmall Company FundASmall-Cap Core
ASQCXSmall Company FundCSmall-Cap Core
ASCQXSmall Company FundISmall-Cap Core
ASQGXSmall Company FundR5Small-Cap Core
ASQIXSmall Company FundInvestorSmall-Cap Core
ASCRXSmall Company FundRSmall-Cap Core
AFDAXSustainable Equity FundALarge-Cap Core
AFDCXSustainable Equity FundCLarge-Cap Core
AFEGXSustainable Equity FundGLarge-Cap Core
AFEIXSustainable Equity FundILarge-Cap Core
AFDRXSustainable Equity FundRLarge-Cap Core
AFDGXSustainable Equity FundR5Large-Cap Core
AFEDXSustainable Equity FundR6Large-Cap Core
AFYDXSustainable Equity FundYLarge-Cap Core
AFDIXSustainable Equity FundInvestorLarge-Cap Core
BNTXXTax-Free Money Market FundInvestorTax-Exempt Money Market
AGQXXUS Government Money Market FundAU.S. Government Money Market
AGHXXUS Government Money Market FundCU.S. Government Money Market
TCRXXUS Government Money Market FundInvestorU.S. Government Money Market
TWUAXUltra FundALarge-Cap Growth
TWCCXUltra FundCLarge-Cap Growth
AULNXUltra FundGLarge-Cap Growth
TWUIXUltra FundILarge-Cap Growth
AULRXUltra FundRLarge-Cap Growth
AULGXUltra FundR5Large-Cap Growth
AULDXUltra FundR6Large-Cap Growth
AULYXUltra FundYLarge-Cap Growth
TWCUXUltra FundInvestorLarge-Cap Growth
BULIXUtilities FundInvestorUtility
TWADXValue FundAMulti-Cap Value
ACLCXValue FundCMulti-Cap Value
AVLIXValue FundIMulti-Cap Value
AVURXValue FundRMulti-Cap Value
AVUGXValue FundR5Multi-Cap Value
AVUDXValue FundR6Multi-Cap Value
AVUYXValue FundYMulti-Cap Value
TWVLXValue FundInvestorMulti-Cap Value
AORVXVery AggressiveRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
AOVIXVery AggressiveInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
AORHXVery ConservativeRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
AONIXVery ConservativeInvestorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
ACTVXZero Coupon 2025 FundAdvisorGeneral U.S. Treasury
BTTRXZero Coupon 2025 FundInvestorGeneral U.S. Treasury

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Dec 7, 2024.