Fund Directory - Alger

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Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
ATFVAlger 35 ETFMulti-Cap Growth
ATVPXAlger 35 FundZMulti-Cap Growth
ALAIAlger AI Enablers & Adopters ETFGlobal Science and Technology
AIFAXAlger AI Enablers & Adopters FundAGlobal Science and Technology
AAICXAlger AI Enablers & Adopters FundCGlobal Science and Technology
AIFIXAlger AI Enablers & Adopters FundIGlobal Science and Technology
AAIYXAlger AI Enablers & Adopters FundYGlobal Science and Technology
AAIZXAlger AI Enablers & Adopters FundZGlobal Science and Technology
ACAAXAlger Capital Appreciation FundALarge-Cap Growth
ALCCXAlger Capital Appreciation FundCLarge-Cap Growth
ACAZXAlger Capital Appreciation FundZLarge-Cap Growth
ALARXAlger Capital Appreciation Institutional FundILarge-Cap Growth
ACARXAlger Capital Appreciation Institutional FundRLarge-Cap Growth
ACAYXAlger Capital Appreciation Institutional FundYLarge-Cap Growth
ACIZXAlger Capital Appreciation Institutional FundZ-2Large-Cap Growth
CNEQAlger Concentrated Equity ETFLarge-Cap Growth
CNEAXAlger Concentrated Equity FundALarge-Cap Growth
CNECXAlger Concentrated Equity FundCLarge-Cap Growth
CNEIXAlger Concentrated Equity FundILarge-Cap Growth
CNEYXAlger Concentrated Equity FundYLarge-Cap Growth
CNEZXAlger Concentrated Equity FundZLarge-Cap Growth
SPEDXAlger Dynamic Opportunities FundAAlternative Long/Short Equity
ADOCXAlger Dynamic Opportunities FundCAlternative Long/Short Equity
ADOZXAlger Dynamic Opportunities FundZAlternative Long/Short Equity
AAEMXAlger Emerging Markets FundAEmerging Markets
ACEMXAlger Emerging Markets FundCEmerging Markets
AIEMXAlger Emerging Markets FundIEmerging Markets
AZEMXAlger Emerging Markets FundZEmerging Markets
ALAFXAlger Focus Equity FundALarge-Cap Growth
ALCFXAlger Focus Equity FundCLarge-Cap Growth
ALGRXAlger Focus Equity FundILarge-Cap Growth
ALGYXAlger Focus Equity FundYLarge-Cap Growth
ALZFXAlger Focus Equity FundZLarge-Cap Growth
CHUSXAlger Global Focus FundAGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CHUCXAlger Global Focus FundCGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
AFGIXAlger Global Focus FundIGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
AFGZXAlger Global Focus FundZGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
ALBAXAlger Growth & Income FundALarge-Cap Core
ALBCXAlger Growth & Income FundCLarge-Cap Core
AGIZXAlger Growth & Income FundZLarge-Cap Core
AHSAXAlger Health Sciences FundAHealth/Biotechnology
AHSCXAlger Health Sciences FundCHealth/Biotechnology
AHSZXAlger Health Sciences FundZHealth/Biotechnology
ALGAXAlger International Focus FundAInternational Multi-Cap Growth
AFGPXAlger International Focus FundBInternational Multi-Cap Growth
ALGCXAlger International Focus FundCInternational Multi-Cap Growth
AIGIXAlger International Focus FundIInternational Multi-Cap Growth
ALCZXAlger International Focus FundZInternational Multi-Cap Growth
FRTYAlger Mid Cap 40 ETFMid-Cap Growth
ALOAXAlger Mid Cap Focus FundAMid-Cap Growth
ALOCXAlger Mid Cap Focus FundCMid-Cap Growth
AFOIXAlger Mid Cap Focus FundIMid-Cap Growth
ALOYXAlger Mid Cap Focus FundYMid-Cap Growth
AFOZXAlger Mid Cap Focus FundZMid-Cap Growth
AMGAXAlger Mid Cap Growth FundAMid-Cap Growth
AMCGXAlger Mid Cap Growth FundBMid-Cap Growth
AMGCXAlger Mid Cap Growth FundCMid-Cap Growth
AMCZXAlger Mid Cap Growth FundZMid-Cap Growth
ALMRXAlger Mid Cap Growth Institutional FundIMid-Cap Growth
AGIRXAlger Mid Cap Growth Institutional FundRMid-Cap Growth
ALMZXAlger Mid Cap Growth Institutional FundZ-2Mid-Cap Growth
SPEGXAlger Responsible Investing FundALarge-Cap Growth
AGFCXAlger Responsible Investing FundCLarge-Cap Growth
AGIFXAlger Responsible Investing FundILarge-Cap Growth
ALGZXAlger Responsible Investing FundZLarge-Cap Growth
AOFAXAlger Small Cap Focus FundASmall-Cap Growth
AOFCXAlger Small Cap Focus FundCSmall-Cap Growth
AOFIXAlger Small Cap Focus FundISmall-Cap Growth
AOFYXAlger Small Cap Focus FundYSmall-Cap Growth
AGOZXAlger Small Cap Focus FundZSmall-Cap Growth
ALSAXAlger Small Cap Growth FundASmall-Cap Growth
ALSCXAlger Small Cap Growth FundBSmall-Cap Growth
AGSCXAlger Small Cap Growth FundCSmall-Cap Growth
ASCYXAlger Small Cap Growth FundYSmall-Cap Growth
ASCZXAlger Small Cap Growth FundZSmall-Cap Growth
ALSRXAlger Small Cap Growth Institutional FundISmall-Cap Growth
ASIRXAlger Small Cap Growth Institutional FundRSmall-Cap Growth
AISZXAlger Small Cap Growth Institutional FundZ-2Small-Cap Growth
SPECXAlger Spectra FundALarge-Cap Growth
ASPCXAlger Spectra FundCLarge-Cap Growth
ASPIXAlger Spectra FundILarge-Cap Growth
ASPYXAlger Spectra FundYLarge-Cap Growth
ASPZXAlger Spectra FundZLarge-Cap Growth
AWEGAlger Weatherbie Enduring Growth ETFMid-Cap Growth
ALMAXAlger Weatherbie Specialized Growth FundASmall-Cap Growth
ALMCXAlger Weatherbie Specialized Growth FundCSmall-Cap Growth
ASIMXAlger Weatherbie Specialized Growth FundISmall-Cap Growth
ASYMXAlger Weatherbie Specialized Growth FundYSmall-Cap Growth
ASMZXAlger Weatherbie Specialized Growth FundZSmall-Cap Growth

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Feb 13, 2025.