Fund Directory - Allspring

Click on the fund symbol for a comprehensive Fund Cost Report.
Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
WTRXXAllspring 100% Treasury Money Market FundAdministratorInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
WFTXXAllspring 100% Treasury Money Market FundAU.S. Treasury Money Market
WOTXXAllspring 100% Treasury Money Market FundInstitutionalInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
RRAXXAllspring 100% Treasury Money Market FundRoberts & RyanInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
NWTXXAllspring 100% Treasury Money Market FundServiceU.S. Treasury Money Market
WARDXAllspring Absolute Return FundAdministratorAlternative Global MACRO
WARAXAllspring Absolute Return FundAAlternative Global MACRO
WARCXAllspring Absolute Return FundCAlternative Global MACRO
WARRXAllspring Absolute Return FundR6Alternative Global MACRO
WABIXAllspring Absolute Return FundInstitutionalAlternative Global MACRO
ESADXAllspring Adjustable Rate Government FundAdministratorUltra Short Obligation
ESAAXAllspring Adjustable Rate Government FundAUltra Short Obligation
ESACXAllspring Adjustable Rate Government FundCUltra Short Obligation
EKIZXAllspring Adjustable Rate Government FundInstitutionalUltra Short Obligation
WRPRXAllspring Alternative Risk Premia FundR6Alternative Long/Short Equity
WRPIXAllspring Alternative Risk Premia FundInstitutionalAlternative Long/Short Equity
EAIFXAllspring Asset Allocation FundAdministratorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
EAAFXAllspring Asset Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
EACFXAllspring Asset Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
EAAIXAllspring Asset Allocation FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
SCTIXAllspring California Limited-Term Tax-Free FundAdministratorCalifornia Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
SFCIXAllspring California Limited-Term Tax-Free FundACalifornia Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
SFCCXAllspring California Limited-Term Tax-Free FundCCalifornia Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
SFCNXAllspring California Limited-Term Tax-Free FundInstitutionalCalifornia Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
SGCAXAllspring California Tax-Free FundAdministratorCalifornia Municipal Debt
SCTAXAllspring California Tax-Free FundACalifornia Municipal Debt
SCTCXAllspring California Tax-Free FundCCalifornia Municipal Debt
SGTIXAllspring California Tax-Free FundInstitutionalCalifornia Municipal Debt
SCSDXAllspring Common Stock FundAdministratorMid-Cap Core
SCSAXAllspring Common Stock FundAMid-Cap Core
STSAXAllspring Common Stock FundCMid-Cap Core
SCSRXAllspring Common Stock FundR6Mid-Cap Core
SCNSXAllspring Common Stock FundInstitutionalMid-Cap Core
WCIAXAllspring Conservative Income FundA2Ultra Short Obligation
WCIIXAllspring Conservative Income FundInstitutionalUltra Short Obligation
MNTRXAllspring Core Bond FundAdministratorCore Bond
MBFAXAllspring Core Bond FundACore Bond
MBFCXAllspring Core Bond FundCCore Bond
WTRIXAllspring Core Bond FundR6Core Bond
MBFIXAllspring Core Bond FundInstitutionalCore Bond
WIPDXAllspring Core Plus Bond FundAdministratorCore Plus Bond
STYAXAllspring Core Plus Bond FundACore Plus Bond
WFIPXAllspring Core Plus Bond FundCCore Plus Bond
STYJXAllspring Core Plus Bond FundR6Core Plus Bond
WIPIXAllspring Core Plus Bond FundInstitutionalCore Plus Bond
NVSOXAllspring Disciplined Small Cap FundAdministratorSmall-Cap Core
WDSAXAllspring Disciplined Small Cap FundASmall-Cap Core
WSCJXAllspring Disciplined Small Cap FundR6Small-Cap Core
WSCOXAllspring Disciplined Small Cap FundInstitutionalSmall-Cap Core
EVSYXAllspring Disciplined US Core FundAdministratorLarge-Cap Core
EVSAXAllspring Disciplined US Core FundALarge-Cap Core
EVSTXAllspring Disciplined US Core FundCLarge-Cap Core
EVSRXAllspring Disciplined US Core FundR6Large-Cap Core
EVSIXAllspring Disciplined US Core FundInstitutionalLarge-Cap Core
EOMYXAllspring Discovery All Cap Growth FundAdministratorMulti-Cap Growth
EKOAXAllspring Discovery All Cap Growth FundAMulti-Cap Growth
EKOCXAllspring Discovery All Cap Growth FundCMulti-Cap Growth
EKONXAllspring Discovery All Cap Growth FundInstitutionalMulti-Cap Growth
WFTDXAllspring Discovery Innovation FundAdministratorScience and Technology
WFSTXAllspring Discovery Innovation FundAScience and Technology
WFTCXAllspring Discovery Innovation FundCScience and Technology
WFTIXAllspring Discovery Innovation FundInstitutionalScience and Technology
WECDXAllspring Discovery Large Cap Growth FundAdministratorLarge-Cap Growth
STAEXAllspring Discovery Large Cap Growth FundALarge-Cap Growth
WECCXAllspring Discovery Large Cap Growth FundCLarge-Cap Growth
WECRXAllspring Discovery Large Cap Growth FundR6Large-Cap Growth
WFCIXAllspring Discovery Large Cap Growth FundInstitutionalLarge-Cap Growth
SEPKXAllspring Discovery Mid Cap Growth FundAdministratorMulti-Cap Growth
SENAXAllspring Discovery Mid Cap Growth FundAMulti-Cap Growth
WENCXAllspring Discovery Mid Cap Growth FundCMulti-Cap Growth
WENRXAllspring Discovery Mid Cap Growth FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
WFEIXAllspring Discovery Mid Cap Growth FundInstitutionalMulti-Cap Growth
WFDDXAllspring Discovery SMID Cap Growth FundAdministratorMid-Cap Growth
WFDAXAllspring Discovery SMID Cap Growth FundAMid-Cap Growth
WDSCXAllspring Discovery SMID Cap Growth FundCMid-Cap Growth
WFDRXAllspring Discovery SMID Cap Growth FundR6Mid-Cap Growth
WFDSXAllspring Discovery SMID Cap Growth FundInstitutionalMid-Cap Growth
EGWDXAllspring Discovery Small Cap Growth FundAdministratorSmall-Cap Growth
EGWAXAllspring Discovery Small Cap Growth FundASmall-Cap Growth
EGWCXAllspring Discovery Small Cap Growth FundCSmall-Cap Growth
EGWRXAllspring Discovery Small Cap Growth FundR6Small-Cap Growth
EGRYXAllspring Discovery Small Cap Growth FundInstitutionalSmall-Cap Growth
EKBDXAllspring Diversified Capital Builder FundAdministratorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
EKBAXAllspring Diversified Capital Builder FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
EKBCXAllspring Diversified Capital Builder FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
EKBYXAllspring Diversified Capital Builder FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
EKSDXAllspring Diversified Income Builder FundAdministratorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
EKSAXAllspring Diversified Income Builder FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
EKSCXAllspring Diversified Income Builder FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
EKSRXAllspring Diversified Income Builder FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
EKSYXAllspring Diversified Income Builder FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
WFGDXAllspring Emerging Growth FundAdministratorSmall-Cap Growth
WEMAXAllspring Emerging Growth FundASmall-Cap Growth
WEMCXAllspring Emerging Growth FundCSmall-Cap Growth
WEGRXAllspring Emerging Growth FundR6Small-Cap Growth
WEMIXAllspring Emerging Growth FundInstitutionalSmall-Cap Growth
EMGYXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity FundAdministratorEmerging Markets
EMGAXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity FundAEmerging Markets
EMGCXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity FundCEmerging Markets
EMGDXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity FundR6Emerging Markets
EMGNXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity FundInstitutionalEmerging Markets
EQIDXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity Income FundAdministratorEmerging Markets
EQIAXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity Income FundAEmerging Markets
EQICXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity Income FundCEmerging Markets
EQIRXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity Income FundR6Emerging Markets
EQIIXAllspring Emerging Markets Equity Income FundInstitutionalEmerging Markets
WGCAXAllspring Global Investment Grade Credit FundAGlobal Income
WGCCXAllspring Global Investment Grade Credit FundCGlobal Income
WGCRXAllspring Global Investment Grade Credit FundR6Global Income
WGCIXAllspring Global Investment Grade Credit FundInstitutionalGlobal Income
AGAQXAllspring Global Long/Short Equity FundAAlternative Long/Short Equity
ASGCXAllspring Global Long/Short Equity FundCAlternative Long/Short Equity
AGAWXAllspring Global Long/Short Equity FundR6Alternative Long/Short Equity
AGAZXAllspring Global Long/Short Equity FundInstitutionalAlternative Long/Short Equity
WGAXXAllspring Government Money Market FundAdministratorInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
WFGXXAllspring Government Money Market FundAU.S. Government Money Market
GVIXXAllspring Government Money Market FundInstitutionalInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
RNRXXAllspring Government Money Market FundRoberts & RyanInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
WFFXXAllspring Government Money Market FundSelectInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
NWGXXAllspring Government Money Market FundServiceU.S. Government Money Market
AGTXXAllspring Government Money Market FundTribal InclusionInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
WGSDXAllspring Government Securities FundAdministratorGeneral U.S. Government
SGVDXAllspring Government Securities FundAGeneral U.S. Government
WGSCXAllspring Government Securities FundCGeneral U.S. Government
SGVIXAllspring Government Securities FundInstitutionalGeneral U.S. Government
SGRKXAllspring Growth FundAdministratorMulti-Cap Growth
SGRAXAllspring Growth FundAMulti-Cap Growth
WGFCXAllspring Growth FundCMulti-Cap Growth
SGRHXAllspring Growth FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
SGRNXAllspring Growth FundInstitutionalMulti-Cap Growth
SHMXXAllspring Heritage Money Market FundAdministratorInstitutional Money Market
SHIXXAllspring Heritage Money Market FundInstitutionalInstitutional Money Market
WFJXXAllspring Heritage Money Market FundSelectInstitutional Money Market
WHTXXAllspring Heritage Money Market FundServiceInstitutional Money Market
EKHYXAllspring High Yield Bond FundAdministratorHigh Yield
EKHAXAllspring High Yield Bond FundAHigh Yield
EKHCXAllspring High Yield Bond FundCHigh Yield
EKHIXAllspring High Yield Bond FundInstitutionalHigh Yield
WHYDXAllspring High Yield Municipal Bond FundAdministratorHigh Yield Municipal Debt
WHYMXAllspring High Yield Municipal Bond FundAHigh Yield Municipal Debt
WHYCXAllspring High Yield Municipal Bond FundCHigh Yield Municipal Debt
EKHRXAllspring High Yield Municipal Bond FundR6High Yield Municipal Debt
WHYIXAllspring High Yield Municipal Bond FundInstitutionalHigh Yield Municipal Debt
WSIDXAllspring Income Plus FundAdministratorMulti-Sector Income
WSIAXAllspring Income Plus FundAMulti-Sector Income
WSICXAllspring Income Plus FundCMulti-Sector Income
WSINXAllspring Income Plus FundInstitutionalMulti-Sector Income
WFAIXAllspring Index Asset Allocation FundAdministratorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
SFAAXAllspring Index Asset Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
WFALXAllspring Index Asset Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
WFATXAllspring Index Asset Allocation FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
WFIOXAllspring Index FundAdministratorS&P 500 Index
WFILXAllspring Index FundAS&P 500 Index
WFINXAllspring Index FundCS&P 500 Index
WFITXAllspring Intermediate Tax/AMT-Free FundAdministratorIntermediate Municipal Debt
WFTAXAllspring Intermediate Tax/AMT-Free FundAIntermediate Municipal Debt
WFTFXAllspring Intermediate Tax/AMT-Free FundCIntermediate Municipal Debt
WFRTXAllspring Intermediate Tax/AMT-Free FundR6Intermediate Municipal Debt
WITIXAllspring Intermediate Tax/AMT-Free FundInstitutionalIntermediate Municipal Debt
WFEDXAllspring International Equity FundAdministratorInternational Multi-Cap Value
WFEAXAllspring International Equity FundAInternational Multi-Cap Value
WFEFXAllspring International Equity FundCInternational Multi-Cap Value
WFEHXAllspring International Equity FundR6International Multi-Cap Value
WFENXAllspring International Equity FundInstitutionalInternational Multi-Cap Value
WFLLXAllspring Large Cap Core FundAdministratorMulti-Cap Core
EGOAXAllspring Large Cap Core FundAMulti-Cap Core
EGOCXAllspring Large Cap Core FundCMulti-Cap Core
EGORXAllspring Large Cap Core FundR6Multi-Cap Core
EGOIXAllspring Large Cap Core FundInstitutionalMulti-Cap Core
STDFXAllspring Large Cap Growth FundAdministratorLarge-Cap Growth
STAFXAllspring Large Cap Growth FundALarge-Cap Growth
STOFXAllspring Large Cap Growth FundCLarge-Cap Growth
STFFXAllspring Large Cap Growth FundR6Large-Cap Growth
STNFXAllspring Large Cap Growth FundInstitutionalLarge-Cap Growth
CBLLXAllspring Large Cap Value FundAdministratorMulti-Cap Value
CBEAXAllspring Large Cap Value FundAMulti-Cap Value
CBECXAllspring Large Cap Value FundCMulti-Cap Value
CBEJXAllspring Large Cap Value FundR6Multi-Cap Value
CBLSXAllspring Large Cap Value FundInstitutionalMulti-Cap Value
WWIDXAllspring Large Company Value FundAdministratorLarge-Cap Value
WLCAXAllspring Large Company Value FundALarge-Cap Value
WFLVXAllspring Large Company Value FundCLarge-Cap Value
WTLVXAllspring Large Company Value FundR6Large-Cap Value
WLCIXAllspring Large Company Value FundInstitutionalLarge-Cap Value
WFCPXAllspring Managed Account CoreBuilder Shares - Series CPGlobal High Yield
AEPIXAllspring Managed Account CoreBuilder Shares - Series EPILarge-Cap Core
WFCMXAllspring Managed Account CoreBuilder Shares - Series MGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
NWMIXAllspring Minnesota Tax-Free FundAdministratorMinnesota Municipal Debt
NMTFXAllspring Minnesota Tax-Free FundAMinnesota Municipal Debt
WMTCXAllspring Minnesota Tax-Free FundCMinnesota Municipal Debt
WMTIXAllspring Minnesota Tax-Free FundInstitutionalMinnesota Municipal Debt
STGXXAllspring Money Market FundAMoney Market Instrument
WMPXXAllspring Money Market FundPremierMoney Market Instrument
WMOXXAllspring Money Market FundServiceMoney Market Instrument
WMFDXAllspring Municipal Bond FundAdministratorGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
WMFAXAllspring Municipal Bond FundAGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
WMFCXAllspring Municipal Bond FundCGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
WMBRXAllspring Municipal Bond FundR6General and Insured Municipal Debt
WMBIXAllspring Municipal Bond FundInstitutionalGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
WMSDXAllspring Municipal Sustainability FundAdministratorIntermediate Municipal Debt
WMSAXAllspring Municipal Sustainability FundAIntermediate Municipal Debt
WMSCXAllspring Municipal Sustainability FundCIntermediate Municipal Debt
WMSRXAllspring Municipal Sustainability FundR6Intermediate Municipal Debt
WMSIXAllspring Municipal Sustainability FundInstitutionalIntermediate Municipal Debt
WNTXXAllspring National Tax-Free Money Market FundAdministratorTax-Exempt Money Market
NWMXXAllspring National Tax-Free Money Market FundATax-Exempt Money Market
WFNXXAllspring National Tax-Free Money Market FundPremierTax-Exempt Money Market
MMIXXAllspring National Tax-Free Money Market FundServiceTax-Exempt Money Market
WOFDXAllspring Opportunity FundAdministratorMulti-Cap Core
SOPVXAllspring Opportunity FundAMulti-Cap Core
WFOPXAllspring Opportunity FundCMulti-Cap Core
WOFRXAllspring Opportunity FundR6Multi-Cap Core
WOFNXAllspring Opportunity FundInstitutionalMulti-Cap Core
EKVAXAllspring Pennsylvania Tax-Free FundAPennsylvania Municipal Debt
EKVCXAllspring Pennsylvania Tax-Free FundCPennsylvania Municipal Debt
EKVYXAllspring Pennsylvania Tax-Free FundInstitutionalPennsylvania Municipal Debt
EKWDXAllspring Precious Metals FundAdministratorPrecious Metals Equity
EKWAXAllspring Precious Metals FundAPrecious Metals Equity
EKWCXAllspring Precious Metals FundCPrecious Metals Equity
EKWYXAllspring Precious Metals FundInstitutionalPrecious Metals Equity
WFPDXAllspring Premier Large Company Growth FundAdministratorMulti-Cap Growth
EKJAXAllspring Premier Large Company Growth FundAMulti-Cap Growth
EKJCXAllspring Premier Large Company Growth FundCMulti-Cap Growth
EKJFXAllspring Premier Large Company Growth FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
EKJYXAllspring Premier Large Company Growth FundInstitutionalMulti-Cap Growth
IPBIXAllspring Real Return FundAdministratorReal Return
IPBAXAllspring Real Return FundAReal Return
IPBCXAllspring Real Return FundCReal Return
IPBNXAllspring Real Return FundIReal Return
IPBJXAllspring Real Return FundR6Real Return
MNSGXAllspring Short Duration Government Bond FundAdministratorShort U.S. Government
MSDAXAllspring Short Duration Government Bond FundAShort U.S. Government
MSDCXAllspring Short Duration Government Bond FundCShort U.S. Government
MSDRXAllspring Short Duration Government Bond FundR6Short U.S. Government
WSGIXAllspring Short Duration Government Bond FundInstitutionalShort U.S. Government
SSTVXAllspring Short-Term Bond Plus FundAShort-Investment-Grade Debt
WFSHXAllspring Short-Term Bond Plus FundCShort-Investment-Grade Debt
SSTYXAllspring Short-Term Bond Plus FundR6Short-Investment-Grade Debt
SSHIXAllspring Short-Term Bond Plus FundInstitutionalShort-Investment-Grade Debt
WDHYXAllspring Short-Term High Income FundAdministratorShort High Yield
SSTHXAllspring Short-Term High Income FundAShort High Yield
WFHYXAllspring Short-Term High Income FundCShort High Yield
STYIXAllspring Short-Term High Income FundInstitutionalShort High Yield
WSTMXAllspring Short-Term Municipal Bond FundAdministratorShort Municipal Debt
WSMAXAllspring Short-Term Municipal Bond FundAShort Municipal Debt
WSSCXAllspring Short-Term Municipal Bond FundCShort Municipal Debt
WSSRXAllspring Short-Term Municipal Bond FundR6Short Municipal Debt
WSBIXAllspring Short-Term Municipal Bond FundInstitutionalShort Municipal Debt
NVSCXAllspring Small Company Growth FundAdministratorSmall-Cap Growth
WFSAXAllspring Small Company Growth FundASmall-Cap Growth
WSMCXAllspring Small Company Growth FundCSmall-Cap Growth
WSCRXAllspring Small Company Growth FundR6Small-Cap Growth
WSCGXAllspring Small Company Growth FundInstitutionalSmall-Cap Growth
SCVIXAllspring Small Company Value FundAdministratorSmall-Cap Core
SCVAXAllspring Small Company Value FundASmall-Cap Core
SCVFXAllspring Small Company Value FundCSmall-Cap Core
SCVJXAllspring Small Company Value FundR6Small-Cap Core
SCVNXAllspring Small Company Value FundInstitutionalSmall-Cap Core
EKGYXAllspring Special Global Small Cap FundAdministratorGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
EKGAXAllspring Special Global Small Cap FundAGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
EKGCXAllspring Special Global Small Cap FundCGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
EKGIXAllspring Special Global Small Cap FundInstitutionalGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
ASPAXAllspring Special International Small Cap FundAInternational Small/Mid-Cap Value
ACPCXAllspring Special International Small Cap FundCInternational Small/Mid-Cap Value
WICRXAllspring Special International Small Cap FundR6International Small/Mid-Cap Value
WICIXAllspring Special International Small Cap FundInstitutionalInternational Small/Mid-Cap Value
EIVDXAllspring Special Large Cap Value FundAdministratorLarge-Cap Value
EIVAXAllspring Special Large Cap Value FundALarge-Cap Value
EIVCXAllspring Special Large Cap Value FundCLarge-Cap Value
EIVFXAllspring Special Large Cap Value FundR6Large-Cap Value
EIVIXAllspring Special Large Cap Value FundInstitutionalLarge-Cap Value
WFMDXAllspring Special Mid Cap Value FundAdministratorMid-Cap Core
WFPAXAllspring Special Mid Cap Value FundAMid-Cap Core
WFPCXAllspring Special Mid Cap Value FundCMid-Cap Core
WFPRXAllspring Special Mid Cap Value FundR6Mid-Cap Core
WFMIXAllspring Special Mid Cap Value FundInstitutionalMid-Cap Core
ESPIXAllspring Special Small Cap Value FundAdministratorSmall-Cap Core
ESPAXAllspring Special Small Cap Value FundASmall-Cap Core
ESPCXAllspring Special Small Cap Value FundCSmall-Cap Core
ESPRXAllspring Special Small Cap Value FundR6Small-Cap Core
ESPNXAllspring Special Small Cap Value FundInstitutionalSmall-Cap Core
WEADXAllspring Spectrum Aggressive Growth FundAdministratorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
WEAFXAllspring Spectrum Aggressive Growth FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
WEACXAllspring Spectrum Aggressive Growth FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
WEAYXAllspring Spectrum Aggressive Growth FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
WMBGXAllspring Spectrum Conservative Growth FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
WMBFXAllspring Spectrum Conservative Growth FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
WMBZXAllspring Spectrum Conservative Growth FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
WGAFXAllspring Spectrum Growth FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
WGCFXAllspring Spectrum Growth FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
WGAYXAllspring Spectrum Growth FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
WCAFXAllspring Spectrum Income Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
WCCFXAllspring Spectrum Income Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
WCYFXAllspring Spectrum Income Allocation FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
WGBAXAllspring Spectrum Moderate Growth FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
WGBFXAllspring Spectrum Moderate Growth FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
WGBIXAllspring Spectrum Moderate Growth FundInstitutionalMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
VMPYXAllspring Strategic Municipal Bond FundAdministratorShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
VMPAXAllspring Strategic Municipal Bond FundAShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
DHICXAllspring Strategic Municipal Bond FundCShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
VMPRXAllspring Strategic Municipal Bond FundR6Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
STRIXAllspring Strategic Municipal Bond FundInstitutionalShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
WTPXXAllspring Treasury Plus Money Market FundAdministratorInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
PIVXXAllspring Treasury Plus Money Market FundAU.S. Treasury Money Market
PISXXAllspring Treasury Plus Money Market FundInstitutionalInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
RRTXXAllspring Treasury Plus Money Market FundRoberts & RyanInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
WTLXXAllspring Treasury Plus Money Market FundSelectInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
PRVXXAllspring Treasury Plus Money Market FundServiceU.S. Treasury Money Market
ADMQXAllspring US Long/Short Equity FundAAlternative Long/Short Equity
ADSCXAllspring US Long/Short Equity FundCAlternative Long/Short Equity
ASLRXAllspring US Long/Short Equity FundR6Alternative Long/Short Equity
ADMZXAllspring US Long/Short Equity FundInstitutionalAlternative Long/Short Equity
WUSDXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Income FundAdministratorUltra Short Obligation
SADAXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Income FundAUltra Short Obligation
WUSNXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Income FundA2Ultra Short Obligation
WUSTXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Income FundCUltra Short Obligation
SADIXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Income FundInstitutionalUltra Short Obligation
WUSMXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income FundAdministratorShort Municipal Debt
SMAVXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income FundAShort Municipal Debt
WFUNXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income FundA2Short Municipal Debt
WFUSXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income FundCShort Municipal Debt
WUSRXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income FundR6Short Municipal Debt
SMAIXAllspring Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income FundInstitutionalShort Municipal Debt
EVUDXAllspring Utility & Telecommunications FundAdministratorUtility
EVUAXAllspring Utility & Telecommunications FundAUtility
EVUCXAllspring Utility & Telecommunications FundCUtility
EVUYXAllspring Utility & Telecommunications FundInstitutionalUtility
WWTFXAllspring Wisconsin Tax-Free FundAOther State Municipal Debt
WWTCXAllspring Wisconsin Tax-Free FundCOther State Municipal Debt
WWTIXAllspring Wisconsin Tax-Free FundInstitutionalOther State Municipal Debt

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Dec 7, 2024.