Fund Directory - Calvert

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Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
CSIFXCalvert Balanced FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CSGCXCalvert Balanced FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CBAIXCalvert Balanced FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CBARXCalvert Balanced FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CSIBXCalvert Bond FundACore Bond
CSBCXCalvert Bond FundCCore Bond
CBDIXCalvert Bond FundICore Bond
CBORXCalvert Bond FundR6Core Bond
CCLAXCalvert Conservative Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
CALCXCalvert Conservative Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
CFAIXCalvert Conservative Allocation FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
CAARXCalvert Conservative Allocation FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
CLDAXCalvert Core Bond FundACore Bond
CLDIXCalvert Core Bond FundICore Bond
CLDRXCalvert Core Bond FundR6Core Bond
CEFAXCalvert Emerging Markets Advancement FundAEmerging Markets
CEFIXCalvert Emerging Markets Advancement FundIEmerging Markets
CVMAXCalvert Emerging Markets Equity FundAEmerging Markets
CVMCXCalvert Emerging Markets Equity FundCEmerging Markets
CVMIXCalvert Emerging Markets Equity FundIEmerging Markets
CVMRXCalvert Emerging Markets Equity FundR6Emerging Markets
CEMAXCalvert Emerging Markets Focused Growth FundAEmerging Markets
CEMCXCalvert Emerging Markets Focused Growth FundCEmerging Markets
CMEIXCalvert Emerging Markets Focused Growth FundIEmerging Markets
CMERXCalvert Emerging Markets Focused Growth FundR6Emerging Markets
CSIEXCalvert Equity FundALarge-Cap Growth
CSECXCalvert Equity FundCLarge-Cap Growth
CEYIXCalvert Equity FundILarge-Cap Growth
CEYRXCalvert Equity FundR6Large-Cap Growth
CUBAXCalvert Flexible Bond FundAAbsolute Return Bond
CUBCXCalvert Flexible Bond FundCAbsolute Return Bond
CUBIXCalvert Flexible Bond FundIAbsolute Return Bond
CUBRXCalvert Flexible Bond FundR6Absolute Return Bond
CFOAXCalvert Floating-Rate Advantage FundALoan Participation
CFOIXCalvert Floating-Rate Advantage FundILoan Participation
CFORXCalvert Floating-Rate Advantage FundR6Loan Participation
CRFAXCalvert Focused Value FundALarge-Cap Value
CRFCXCalvert Focused Value FundCLarge-Cap Value
CRFIXCalvert Focused Value FundILarge-Cap Value
CRFRXCalvert Focused Value FundR6Large-Cap Value
CGAEXCalvert Global Energy Solutions FundAAlternative Energy Funds
CGACXCalvert Global Energy Solutions FundCAlternative Energy Funds
CAEIXCalvert Global Energy Solutions FundIAlternative Energy Funds
CGLAXCalvert Global Equity FundAGlobal Large-Cap Core
CGLIXCalvert Global Equity FundIGlobal Large-Cap Core
CGRAXCalvert Global Real Estate FundAGlobal Real Estate
CGECXCalvert Global Real Estate FundCGlobal Real Estate
CGEIXCalvert Global Real Estate FundIGlobal Real Estate
CGRRXCalvert Global Real Estate FundR6Global Real Estate
CSMAXCalvert Global Small-Cap Equity FundAGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
CSQCXCalvert Global Small-Cap Equity FundCGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
CSPIXCalvert Global Small-Cap Equity FundIGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
CFWAXCalvert Global Water FundASpecialty and Miscellaneous
CFWCXCalvert Global Water FundCSpecialty and Miscellaneous
CFWIXCalvert Global Water FundISpecialty and Miscellaneous
CGAFXCalvert Green Bond FundACore Plus Bond
CGBIXCalvert Green Bond FundICore Plus Bond
CBGRXCalvert Green Bond FundR6Core Plus Bond
CAAAXCalvert Growth Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
CAACXCalvert Growth Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
CAGIXCalvert Growth Allocation FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
CGARXCalvert Growth Allocation FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
CYBAXCalvert High Yield Bond FundAHigh Yield
CHBCXCalvert High Yield Bond FundCHigh Yield
CYBIXCalvert High Yield Bond FundIHigh Yield
CYBRXCalvert High Yield Bond FundR6High Yield
CFICXCalvert Income FundACorporate Debt BBB-Rated
CIFCXCalvert Income FundCCorporate Debt BBB-Rated
CINCXCalvert Income FundICorporate Debt BBB-Rated
CINRXCalvert Income FundR6Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
CWVGXCalvert International Equity FundAInternational Large-Cap Growth
CWVCXCalvert International Equity FundCInternational Large-Cap Growth
CWVIXCalvert International Equity FundIInternational Large-Cap Growth
CIESXCalvert International Equity FundR6International Large-Cap Growth
CIOAXCalvert International Opportunities FundAInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
COICXCalvert International Opportunities FundCInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
COIIXCalvert International Opportunities FundIInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
COIRXCalvert International Opportunities FundR6International Small/Mid-Cap Growth
CVIECalvert International Responsible Index ETFInternational Large-Cap Core
CDHAXCalvert International Responsible Index FundAInternational Multi-Cap Growth
CDHIXCalvert International Responsible Index FundIInternational Multi-Cap Growth
CDHRXCalvert International Responsible Index FundR6International Multi-Cap Growth
CCAFXCalvert Mid-Cap FundAMid-Cap Core
CCACXCalvert Mid-Cap FundCMid-Cap Core
CCPIXCalvert Mid-Cap FundIMid-Cap Core
CMAAXCalvert Moderate Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CMACXCalvert Moderate Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CLAIXCalvert Moderate Allocation FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CAMRXCalvert Moderate Allocation FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CMMAXCalvert Mortgage Access FundAU.S. Mortgage
CMMCXCalvert Mortgage Access FundCU.S. Mortgage
CMMIXCalvert Mortgage Access FundIU.S. Mortgage
CMMRXCalvert Mortgage Access FundR6U.S. Mortgage
CTTLXCalvert Responsible Municipal Income FundAGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
CTTCXCalvert Responsible Municipal Income FundCGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
CTTIXCalvert Responsible Municipal Income FundIGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
CSDAXCalvert Short Duration Income FundAShort-Investment-Grade Debt
CDICXCalvert Short Duration Income FundCShort-Investment-Grade Debt
CDSIXCalvert Short Duration Income FundIShort-Investment-Grade Debt
CDSRXCalvert Short Duration Income FundR6Short-Investment-Grade Debt
CCVAXCalvert Small Cap FundASmall-Cap Core
CSCCXCalvert Small Cap FundCSmall-Cap Core
CSVIXCalvert Small Cap FundISmall-Cap Core
CALRXCalvert Small Cap FundR6Small-Cap Core
CMPAXCalvert Small/Mid-Cap FundASmall-Cap Core
CMPCXCalvert Small/Mid-Cap FundCSmall-Cap Core
CMCIXCalvert Small/Mid-Cap FundISmall-Cap Core
CVLCCalvert US Large-Cap Core Responsible Index ETFMulti-Cap Core
CSXAXCalvert US Large-Cap Core Responsible Index FundAMulti-Cap Core
CSXCXCalvert US Large-Cap Core Responsible Index FundCMulti-Cap Core
CISIXCalvert US Large-Cap Core Responsible Index FundIMulti-Cap Core
CSXRXCalvert US Large-Cap Core Responsible Index FundR6Multi-Cap Core
CDEICalvert US Large-Cap Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Index ETFLarge-Cap Core
CGJAXCalvert US Large-Cap Growth Responsible Index FundALarge-Cap Growth
CGJIXCalvert US Large-Cap Growth Responsible Index FundILarge-Cap Growth
CLGRXCalvert US Large-Cap Growth Responsible Index FundR6Large-Cap Growth
CFJAXCalvert US Large-Cap Value Responsible Index FundAMulti-Cap Value
CFJIXCalvert US Large-Cap Value Responsible Index FundIMulti-Cap Value
CLVRXCalvert US Large-Cap Value Responsible Index FundR6Multi-Cap Value
CVMCCalvert US Mid-Cap Core Responsible Index ETFMid-Cap Core
CMJAXCalvert US Mid-Cap Core Responsible Index FundAMid-Cap Growth
CMJIXCalvert US Mid-Cap Core Responsible Index FundIMid-Cap Growth
CMCRXCalvert US Mid-Cap Core Responsible Index FundR6Mid-Cap Growth
CVSECalvert US Select Equity ETFMulti-Cap Core
CULAXCalvert Ultra-Short Duration Income FundAUltra Short Obligation
CULIXCalvert Ultra-Short Duration Income FundIUltra Short Obligation
CULRXCalvert Ultra-Short Duration Income FundR6Ultra Short Obligation
CVSBCalvert Ultra-Short Investment Grade ETFUltra Short Obligation

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Feb 13, 2025.