Fund Directory - Capital Group/American Funds

Click on the fund symbol for a comprehensive Fund Cost Report.
Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
CAFAXAMCAP Fund529-AMulti-Cap Growth
CAFCXAMCAP Fund529-CMulti-Cap Growth
CAFEXAMCAP Fund529-EMulti-Cap Growth
CAFFXAMCAP Fund529-F-1Multi-Cap Growth
FMMMXAMCAP Fund529F2Multi-Cap Growth
FMCMXAMCAP Fund529F3Multi-Cap Growth
AMCPXAMCAP FundAMulti-Cap Growth
AMPCXAMCAP FundCMulti-Cap Growth
AMPFXAMCAP FundF1Multi-Cap Growth
AMCFXAMCAP FundF2Multi-Cap Growth
FMACXAMCAP FundF3Multi-Cap Growth
RAFAXAMCAP FundR1Multi-Cap Growth
RAFBXAMCAP FundR2Multi-Cap Growth
RAEBXAMCAP FundR2EMulti-Cap Growth
RAFCXAMCAP FundR3Multi-Cap Growth
RAFEXAMCAP FundR4Multi-Cap Growth
RAFFXAMCAP FundR5Multi-Cap Growth
RAEFXAMCAP FundR5EMulti-Cap Growth
RAFGXAMCAP FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
CLBAXAmerican Balanced Fund529-AMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CLBCXAmerican Balanced Fund529-CMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CLBEXAmerican Balanced Fund529-EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CLBFXAmerican Balanced Fund529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FBAFXAmerican Balanced Fund529-F-2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FBONXAmerican Balanced Fund529-F-3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
ABALXAmerican Balanced FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
BALCXAmerican Balanced FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
BALFXAmerican Balanced FundF1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AMBFXAmerican Balanced FundF2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AFMBXAmerican Balanced FundF3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RLBAXAmerican Balanced FundR1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RLBBXAmerican Balanced FundR2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RAMHXAmerican Balanced FundR2EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RLBCXAmerican Balanced FundR3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RLBEXAmerican Balanced FundR4Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RLBFXAmerican Balanced FundR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RLEFXAmerican Balanced FundR5EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RLBGXAmerican Balanced FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
AAATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2010
CCATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2010
FAATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2010
FBATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2010
DJTFXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2010
RAATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2010
RBATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2010
RBEAXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2010
RCATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2010
RDATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2010
REATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2010
RHATXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2010
RFTTXAmerican Funds 2010 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2010
AABTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2015
CCBTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2015
FAKTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2015
FBBTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2015
FDBTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2015
RAJTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2015
RBJTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2015
RBEJXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2015
RCJTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2015
RDBTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2015
REJTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2015
RHBTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2015
RFJTXAmerican Funds 2015 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2015
AACTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2020
CCCTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2020
FAOTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2020
FBCTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2020
FCCTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2020
RACTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2020
RBCTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2020
RBEHXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2020
RCCTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2020
RDCTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2020
RECTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2020
RHCTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2020
RRCTXAmerican Funds 2020 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2020
AADTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2025
CCDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2025
FAPTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2025
FBDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2025
FDDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2025
RADTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2025
RBDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2025
RBEDXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2025
RCDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2025
RDDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2025
REDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2025
RHDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2025
RFDTXAmerican Funds 2025 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2025
AAETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2030
CCETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2030
FAETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2030
FBETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2030
FCETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2030
RAETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2030
RBETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2030
RBEEXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2030
RCETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2030
RDETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2030
REETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2030
RHETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2030
RFETXAmerican Funds 2030 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2030
AAFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2035
CCFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2035
FAQTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2035
FBFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2035
FDFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2035
RAFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2035
RBFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2035
RBEFXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2035
RCFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2035
RDFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2035
REFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2035
RHFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2035
RFFTXAmerican Funds 2035 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2035
AAGTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2040
CCGTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2040
FAUTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2040
FBGTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2040
FCGTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2040
RAKTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2040
RBKTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2040
RBEKXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2040
RCKTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2040
RDGTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2040
REGTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2040
RHGTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2040
RFGTXAmerican Funds 2040 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2040
AAHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2045
CCHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2045
FATTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2045
FBHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2045
FCHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2045
RAHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2045
RBHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2045
RBHHXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2045
RCHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2045
RDHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2045
REHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2045
RHHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2045
RFHTXAmerican Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2045
AALTXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2050
CCITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2050
FAITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2050
FBITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2050
DITFXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2050
RAITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2050
RBITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2050
RBHEXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2050
RCITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2050
RDITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2050
REITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2050
RHITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2050
RFITXAmerican Funds 2050 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2050
AAMTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2055+
CCJTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2055+
FAJTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
FBJTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
FCJTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
RAMTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
RBMTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
RBEMXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2055+
RCMTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
RDJTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
REKTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
RHJTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2055+
RFKTXAmerican Funds 2055 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
AANTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2060
CCKTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2060
FAWTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2060
FBKTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2060
FCKTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2060
RANTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2060
RBNTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2060
RBENXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2060
RCNTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2060
RDKTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2060
REMTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2060
RHKTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2060
RFUTXAmerican Funds 2060 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2060
AAOTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2060+
CCLTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2060+
FAXTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
FBMTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
FCQTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RAQTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RBOTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RBEOXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2060+
RCPTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RDLTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
REOTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RHLTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2060+
RFVTXAmerican Funds 2065 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
AAFJXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundAMixed-Asset Target 2060+
CCGDXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundCMixed-Asset Target 2060+
FATSXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundF1Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
FBAJXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundF2Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
FCBEXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundF3Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RAADXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundR1Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RAABXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundR2Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RBAHXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundR2EMixed-Asset Target 2060+
RCADXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundR3Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RCAEXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundR4Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
REAGXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundR5Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
RAAJXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundR5EMixed-Asset Target 2060+
RFBFXAmerican Funds 2070 Target Date Retirement FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2060+
CSTAXAmerican Funds College 2027 Fund529-AMixed-Asset Target 2030
CTSCXAmerican Funds College 2027 Fund529-CMixed-Asset Target 2030
CTSEXAmerican Funds College 2027 Fund529-EMixed-Asset Target 2030
CTSFXAmerican Funds College 2027 Fund529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target 2030
FFCFXAmerican Funds College 2027 Fund529F2Mixed-Asset Target 2030
FFCTXAmerican Funds College 2027 Fund529F3Mixed-Asset Target 2030
CTHAXAmerican Funds College 2030 Fund529-AMixed-Asset Target 2030
CTYCXAmerican Funds College 2030 Fund529-CMixed-Asset Target 2030
CTHEXAmerican Funds College 2030 Fund529-EMixed-Asset Target 2030
CTHFXAmerican Funds College 2030 Fund529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target 2030
FDFCXAmerican Funds College 2030 Fund529F2Mixed-Asset Target 2030
FTFCXAmerican Funds College 2030 Fund529F3Mixed-Asset Target 2030
CTLAXAmerican Funds College 2033 Fund529-AMixed-Asset Target 2035
CTLCXAmerican Funds College 2033 Fund529-CMixed-Asset Target 2035
CTLEXAmerican Funds College 2033 Fund529-EMixed-Asset Target 2035
CTLFXAmerican Funds College 2033 Fund529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target 2035
FCCFXAmerican Funds College 2033 Fund529F2Mixed-Asset Target 2035
FTCFXAmerican Funds College 2033 Fund529F3Mixed-Asset Target 2035
CCFAXAmerican Funds College 2036 Fund529-AMixed-Asset Target 2040
CTDCXAmerican Funds College 2036 Fund529-CMixed-Asset Target 2040
CTKEXAmerican Funds College 2036 Fund529-EMixed-Asset Target 2040
CTAFXAmerican Funds College 2036 Fund529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target 2040
CTAHXAmerican Funds College 2036 Fund529-F-2Mixed-Asset Target 2040
CTAKXAmerican Funds College 2036 Fund529-F-3Mixed-Asset Target 2040
CDJAXAmerican Funds College 2039 Fund529-AMixed-Asset Target 2040
CTJCXAmerican Funds College 2039 Fund529-CMixed-Asset Target 2040
CTAEXAmerican Funds College 2039 Fund529-EMixed-Asset Target 2040
CTDFXAmerican Funds College 2039 Fund529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target 2040
FCFGXAmerican Funds College 2039 Fund529-F-2Mixed-Asset Target 2040
FTDHXAmerican Funds College 2039 Fund529-F-3Mixed-Asset Target 2040
CABAXAmerican Funds College 2042 Fund529-AMixed-Asset Target 2045
CABCXAmerican Funds College 2042 Fund529-CMixed-Asset Target 2045
CAAVXAmerican Funds College 2042 Fund529-EMixed-Asset Target 2045
CAAWXAmerican Funds College 2042 Fund529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target 2045
CAAZXAmerican Funds College 2042 Fund529-F-2Mixed-Asset Target 2045
DAAGXAmerican Funds College 2042 Fund529-F-3Mixed-Asset Target 2045
CENAXAmerican Funds College Enrollment Fund529-AShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CENCXAmerican Funds College Enrollment Fund529-CShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CENEXAmerican Funds College Enrollment Fund529-EShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CENFXAmerican Funds College Enrollment Fund529-F-1Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
FAADXAmerican Funds College Enrollment Fund529-F-2Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
FTAOXAmerican Funds College Enrollment Fund529F3Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CIPAXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio529-AMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CIPCXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio529-CMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CIPEXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio529-EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CIPFXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FTPPXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio529-F-2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FPTPXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income Portfolio529-F-3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
INPAXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CIPGXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioABLE-AMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CIQGXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioABLE-F2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
INPCXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
INPFXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioF1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
INPEXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioF2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
INPDXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioF3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RNCAXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioR1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RINBXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioR2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RNBEXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioR2EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RNCCXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioR3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RINEXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioR4Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RINFXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RGOFXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioR5EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RINGXAmerican Funds Conservative Growth and Income PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
COBAXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond Fund529-ACorporate Debt BBB-Rated
COBCXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond Fund529-CCorporate Debt BBB-Rated
COBEXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond Fund529-ECorporate Debt BBB-Rated
COBFXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond Fund529-F-1Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
FFBBXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond Fund529F2Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
FBCDXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond Fund529F3Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
BFCAXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundACorporate Debt BBB-Rated
BFCCXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundCCorporate Debt BBB-Rated
BFCFXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundF1Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
BFCGXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundF2Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
CFBFXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundF3Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
RCBAXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundR1Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
RCBBXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundR2Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
RCBGXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundR2ECorporate Debt BBB-Rated
RCBCXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundR3Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
RCBDXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundR4Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
RCBEXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundR5Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
RCBHXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundR5ECorporate Debt BBB-Rated
RCBFXAmerican Funds Corporate Bond FundR6Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
CDWAXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income Fund529-AEmerging Markets
CDWCXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income Fund529-CEmerging Markets
CDWEXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income Fund529-EEmerging Markets
CDWFXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income Fund529-F-1Emerging Markets
FWDDXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income Fund529F2Emerging Markets
FWDGXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income Fund529F3Emerging Markets
DWGAXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundAEmerging Markets
DWGCXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundCEmerging Markets
DWGFXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundF1Emerging Markets
DWGHXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundF2Emerging Markets
FDWGXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundF3Emerging Markets
RDWAXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundR1Emerging Markets
RDWBXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundR2Emerging Markets
RDEGXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundR2EEmerging Markets
RDWCXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundR3Emerging Markets
RDWEXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundR4Emerging Markets
RDWFXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundR5Emerging Markets
RDWHXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundR5EEmerging Markets
RDWGXAmerican Funds Developing World Growth and Income FundR6Emerging Markets
CBNAXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund529AEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
CBNCXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund529CEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
CBNEXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund529EEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
CBNFXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund529F1Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
FEBMXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund529F2Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
FMEBXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond Fund529F3Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
EBNAXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundAEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
EBNCXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundCEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
EBNEXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundF1Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
EBNFXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundF2Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
EBNGXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundF3Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
REGAXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundR1Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
REGBXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundR2Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
REGHXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundR2EEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
REGCXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundR3Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
REGEXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundR4Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
REGFXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundR5Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
REGJXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundR5EEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
REGGXAmerican Funds Emerging Markets Bond FundR6Emerging Market Hard Currency Debt
CFNAXAmerican Funds Fundamental Investors529-ALarge-Cap Core
CFNCXAmerican Funds Fundamental Investors529-CLarge-Cap Core
CFNEXAmerican Funds Fundamental Investors529-ELarge-Cap Core
CFNFXAmerican Funds Fundamental Investors529-F-1Large-Cap Core
FFXFXAmerican Funds Fundamental Investors529-F-2Large-Cap Core
FEEFXAmerican Funds Fundamental Investors529-F-3Large-Cap Core
ANCFXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsALarge-Cap Core
AFICXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsCLarge-Cap Core
AFIFXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsF1Large-Cap Core
FINFXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsF2Large-Cap Core
FUNFXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsF3Large-Cap Core
RFNAXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsR1Large-Cap Core
RFNBXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsR2Large-Cap Core
RFEBXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsR2ELarge-Cap Core
RFNCXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsR3Large-Cap Core
RFNEXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsR4Large-Cap Core
RFNFXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsR5Large-Cap Core
RFNHXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsR5ELarge-Cap Core
RFNGXAmerican Funds Fundamental InvestorsR6Large-Cap Core
CBFAXAmerican Funds Global Balanced Fund529-AFlexible Portfolio
CBFCXAmerican Funds Global Balanced Fund529-CFlexible Portfolio
CBFEXAmerican Funds Global Balanced Fund529-EFlexible Portfolio
CBFFXAmerican Funds Global Balanced Fund529-F-1Flexible Portfolio
FFGGXAmerican Funds Global Balanced Fund529-F-2Flexible Portfolio
FFBGXAmerican Funds Global Balanced Fund529-F-3Flexible Portfolio
GBLAXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundAFlexible Portfolio
GBLCXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundCFlexible Portfolio
GBLEXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundF1Flexible Portfolio
GBLFXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundF2Flexible Portfolio
GFBLXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundF3Flexible Portfolio
RGBLXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundR1Flexible Portfolio
RGBBXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundR2Flexible Portfolio
RGGHXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundR2EFlexible Portfolio
RGBCXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundR3Flexible Portfolio
RGBEXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundR4Flexible Portfolio
RGBFXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundR5Flexible Portfolio
RGBHXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundR5EFlexible Portfolio
RGBGXAmerican Funds Global Balanced FundR6Flexible Portfolio
CPGAXAmerican Funds Global Growth Portfolio529-AGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CPGCXAmerican Funds Global Growth Portfolio529-CGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CGGEXAmerican Funds Global Growth Portfolio529-EGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CGGFXAmerican Funds Global Growth Portfolio529-F-1Global Large-Cap Growth
FGGPXAmerican Funds Global Growth Portfolio529-F-2Global Large-Cap Growth
FGPPXAmerican Funds Global Growth Portfolio529-F-3Global Large-Cap Growth
PGGAXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioAGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CGGGXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioABLE-AGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CGHGXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioABLE-F2Global Large-Cap Growth
GGPCXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioCGlobal Large-Cap Growth
PGGFXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioF1Global Large-Cap Growth
PGWFXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioF2Global Large-Cap Growth
PGXFXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioF3Global Large-Cap Growth
RGGAXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioR1Global Large-Cap Growth
RGGBXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioR2Global Large-Cap Growth
REBGXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioR2EGlobal Large-Cap Growth
RGLCXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioR3Global Large-Cap Growth
RGGEXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioR4Global Large-Cap Growth
RGGFXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioR5Global Large-Cap Growth
RGTFXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioR5EGlobal Large-Cap Growth
RGGGXAmerican Funds Global Growth PortfolioR6Global Large-Cap Growth
CGVYXAmerican Funds Global Insight Fund529-AGlobal Large-Cap Core
CGVBXAmerican Funds Global Insight Fund529-CGlobal Large-Cap Core
CGVEXAmerican Funds Global Insight Fund529-EGlobal Large-Cap Core
CGVFXAmerican Funds Global Insight Fund529-F-1Global Large-Cap Core
CGVGXAmerican Funds Global Insight Fund529-F-2Global Large-Cap Core
CGVHXAmerican Funds Global Insight Fund529-F-3Global Large-Cap Core
AGVFXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundAGlobal Large-Cap Core
AGVDXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundCGlobal Large-Cap Core
AGVEXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundF-1Global Large-Cap Core
AGVGXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundF-2Global Large-Cap Core
AGVHXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundF-3Global Large-Cap Core
RGLAXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundR-1Global Large-Cap Core
RGLBXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundR-2Global Large-Cap Core
RGLHXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundR-2EGlobal Large-Cap Core
RGLDXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundR-3Global Large-Cap Core
RGLEXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundR-4Global Large-Cap Core
RGLFXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundR-5Global Large-Cap Core
RGLJXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundR-5EGlobal Large-Cap Core
RGLGXAmerican Funds Global Insight FundR-6Global Large-Cap Core
FGGIXAmerican Funds Growth & Income Portfolio529-F-2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FGIIXAmerican Funds Growth & Income Portfolio529-F-3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CGNAXAmerican Funds Growth & Income Portfolio529AMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CGNCXAmerican Funds Growth & Income Portfolio529CMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CGNEXAmerican Funds Growth & Income Portfolio529EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CGNFXAmerican Funds Growth & Income Portfolio529F1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
GAIOXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CGNGXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioABLE-AMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CGLGXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioABLE-F2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
GAITXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
GAIFXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioF1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
GAIEXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioF2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
GAIHXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioF3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RGNAXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioR1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RGNBXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioR2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RBEGXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioR2EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RAICXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioR3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RGNEXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioR4Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RGNFXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RGQFXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioR5EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RGNGXAmerican Funds Growth & Income PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CGPAXAmerican Funds Growth Portfolio529-AGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CGPCXAmerican Funds Growth Portfolio529-CGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CGPEXAmerican Funds Growth Portfolio529-EGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CGPFXAmerican Funds Growth Portfolio529-F-1Global Multi-Cap Growth
FGPGXAmerican Funds Growth Portfolio529-F-2Global Multi-Cap Growth
FPGGXAmerican Funds Growth Portfolio529-F-3Global Multi-Cap Growth
GWPAXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioAGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CGQGXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioABLE-AGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CGRGXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioABLE-F2Global Multi-Cap Growth
GWPCXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioCGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
GWPFXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioF1Global Multi-Cap Growth
GWPEXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioF2Global Multi-Cap Growth
GWPDXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioF3Global Multi-Cap Growth
RGWAXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioR1Global Multi-Cap Growth
RGWBXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioR2Global Multi-Cap Growth
RBGEXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioR2EGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
RGPCXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioR3Global Multi-Cap Growth
RGWEXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioR4Global Multi-Cap Growth
RGWFXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioR5Global Multi-Cap Growth
RGSFXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioR5EGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
RGWGXAmerican Funds Growth PortfolioR6Global Multi-Cap Growth
CNLAXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund529-AInflation-Protected Bond
CNLCXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund529-CInflation-Protected Bond
CNLEXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund529-EInflation-Protected Bond
CNLFXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund529-F-1Inflation-Protected Bond
FIBLXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund529-F-2Inflation-Protected Bond
FLIBXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond Fund529-F-3Inflation-Protected Bond
BFIAXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundAInflation-Protected Bond
BFICXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundCInflation-Protected Bond
BFIFXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundF1Inflation-Protected Bond
BFIGXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundF2Inflation-Protected Bond
FILBXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundF3Inflation-Protected Bond
RILAXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundR1Inflation-Protected Bond
RILBXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundR2Inflation-Protected Bond
RILGXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundR2EInflation-Protected Bond
RILCXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundR3Inflation-Protected Bond
RILDXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundR4Inflation-Protected Bond
RILEXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundR5Inflation-Protected Bond
RILHXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundR5EInflation-Protected Bond
RILFXAmerican Funds Inflation Linked Bond FundR6Inflation-Protected Bond
CIVAXAmerican Funds International Vantage Fund529-AInternational Large-Cap Growth
CIVBXAmerican Funds International Vantage Fund529-CInternational Large-Cap Growth
CIVCXAmerican Funds International Vantage Fund529-EInternational Large-Cap Growth
CIVKXAmerican Funds International Vantage Fund529-F-1International Large-Cap Growth
CIVGXAmerican Funds International Vantage Fund529-F-2International Large-Cap Growth
CIVHXAmerican Funds International Vantage Fund529-F-3International Large-Cap Growth
AIVBXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundAInternational Large-Cap Growth
AIVCXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundCInternational Large-Cap Growth
AIVEXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundF1International Large-Cap Growth
AIVFXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundF2International Large-Cap Growth
AIVGXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundF3International Large-Cap Growth
RIVAXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundR-1International Large-Cap Growth
RIVDXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundR-2International Large-Cap Growth
RIVHXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundR-2EInternational Large-Cap Growth
RIVIXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundR-3International Large-Cap Growth
RIVKXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundR-4International Large-Cap Growth
RIVLXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundR-5International Large-Cap Growth
RIVJXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundR-5EInternational Large-Cap Growth
RIVGXAmerican Funds International Vantage FundR-6International Large-Cap Growth
CBAAXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income Portfolio529-AMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CBPCXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income Portfolio529-CMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CBAEXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income Portfolio529-EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CBAFXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income Portfolio529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FBBPXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income Portfolio529-F-2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FPPBXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income Portfolio529-F-3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
BLPAXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CBAGXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioABLE-AMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CBBGXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioABLE-AF2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
BLPCXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
BLPFXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioF1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
BLPEXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioF2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
BLPDXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioF3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RBAAXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioR1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RBABXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioR2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RBBEXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioR2EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RBACXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioR3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RBAEXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioR4Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RBAFXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RGPFXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioR5EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
RBAGXAmerican Funds Moderate Growth and Income PortfolioR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CMFAXAmerican Funds Mortgage Fund529-AIntermediate U.S. Government
CMFCXAmerican Funds Mortgage Fund529-CIntermediate U.S. Government
CMFEXAmerican Funds Mortgage Fund529-EIntermediate U.S. Government
CMFFXAmerican Funds Mortgage Fund529-F-1Intermediate U.S. Government
FFMFXAmerican Funds Mortgage Fund529-F-2Intermediate U.S. Government
FMMFXAmerican Funds Mortgage Fund529-F-3Intermediate U.S. Government
MFAAXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundAIntermediate U.S. Government
MFACXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundCIntermediate U.S. Government
MFAEXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundF1Intermediate U.S. Government
MFAFXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundF2Intermediate U.S. Government
AFFMXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundF3Intermediate U.S. Government
RMAAXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundR1Intermediate U.S. Government
RMABXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundR2Intermediate U.S. Government
RMBEXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundR2EIntermediate U.S. Government
RMACXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundR3Intermediate U.S. Government
RMAEXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundR4Intermediate U.S. Government
RMAFXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundR5Intermediate U.S. Government
RMAHXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundR5EIntermediate U.S. Government
RMAGXAmerican Funds Mortgage FundR6Intermediate U.S. Government
CMBKXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income Fund529AMulti-Sector Income
CMBLXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income Fund529CMulti-Sector Income
CMBMXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income Fund529EMulti-Sector Income
CMBOXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income Fund529F1Multi-Sector Income
CMBPXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income Fund529F2Multi-Sector Income
CMBQXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income Fund529F3Multi-Sector Income
MIAQXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundAMulti-Sector Income
MIAUXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundCMulti-Sector Income
MIAWXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundF1Multi-Sector Income
MIAYXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundF2Multi-Sector Income
MIAZXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundF3Multi-Sector Income
RMDNXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundR1Multi-Sector Income
RMDOXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundR2Multi-Sector Income
RMDPXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundR2EMulti-Sector Income
RMDQXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundR3Multi-Sector Income
RMDRXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundR4Multi-Sector Income
RMDTXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundR5Multi-Sector Income
RMDSXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundR5EMulti-Sector Income
RMDUXAmerican Funds Multi-Sector Income FundR6Multi-Sector Income
CPPAXAmerican Funds Preservation Portfolio529-AShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CPPCXAmerican Funds Preservation Portfolio529-CShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CPPEXAmerican Funds Preservation Portfolio529-EShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CPPFXAmerican Funds Preservation Portfolio529-F-1Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
FPPPXAmerican Funds Preservation Portfolio529-F-2Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
FFPPXAmerican Funds Preservation Portfolio529-F-3Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
PPVAXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioAShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CPPGXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioABLE-AShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CPQGXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioABLE-F2Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
PPVCXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioCShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
PPVFXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioF1Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
PPEFXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioF2Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
PPFFXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioF3Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RPPVXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioR1Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RPPBXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioR2Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RPBEXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioR2EShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RPPCXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioR3Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RPPEXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioR4Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RPPFXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioR5Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RGMFXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioR5EShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RPPGXAmerican Funds Preservation PortfolioR6Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
NAARXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvARetirement Income
NGCRXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvCRetirement Income
FAFWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvF1Retirement Income
FDFWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvF2Retirement Income
FICWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvF3Retirement Income
RARPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvR1Retirement Income
RDRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvR2Retirement Income
RGRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvR2ERetirement Income
RJRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvR3Retirement Income
RMRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvR4Retirement Income
RQRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvR5Retirement Income
RROPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvR5ERetirement Income
RTRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - CnvR6Retirement Income
NDARXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhARetirement Income
NDCRXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhCRetirement Income
FCFWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhF1Retirement Income
FGFWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhF2Retirement Income
FIEWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhF3Retirement Income
RCRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhR1Retirement Income
RFRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhR2Retirement Income
RIRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhR2ERetirement Income
RLRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhR3Retirement Income
RPRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhR4Retirement Income
RXRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhR5Retirement Income
RRQPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhR5ERetirement Income
RVRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - EnhR6Retirement Income
NBARXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModARetirement Income
NBCRXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModCRetirement Income
FBFWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModF1Retirement Income
FHFWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModF2Retirement Income
FIMWXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModF3Retirement Income
RBRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModR1Retirement Income
RERPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModR2Retirement Income
RHRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModR2ERetirement Income
RKRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModR3Retirement Income
RNRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModR4Retirement Income
RRRPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModR5Retirement Income
RRPPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModR5ERetirement Income
RURPXAmerican Funds Retirement Income Portfolio - ModR6Retirement Income
ASTEXAmerican Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond FundAShort Municipal Debt
FSTTXAmerican Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond FundF1Short Municipal Debt
ASTFXAmerican Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond FundF2Short Municipal Debt
SFTEXAmerican Funds Short-Term Tax-Exempt Bond FundF3Short Municipal Debt
CANAXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond Fund529ACore Plus Bond
CANCXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond Fund529CCore Plus Bond
CANEXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond Fund529ECore Plus Bond
CANFXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond Fund529F1Core Plus Bond
FSBMXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond Fund529F2Core Plus Bond
FBSSXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond Fund529F3Core Plus Bond
ANBAXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundACore Plus Bond
ANBCXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundCCore Plus Bond
ANBEXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundF1Core Plus Bond
ANBFXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundF2Core Plus Bond
ANBGXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundF3Core Plus Bond
RANAXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundR1Core Plus Bond
RANBXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundR2Core Plus Bond
RANHXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundR2ECore Plus Bond
RANCXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundR3Core Plus Bond
RANEXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundR4Core Plus Bond
RANFXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundR5Core Plus Bond
RANJXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundR5ECore Plus Bond
RANGXAmerican Funds Strategic Bond FundR6Core Plus Bond
TAIAXAmerican Funds Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income PAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TAICXAmerican Funds Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income PCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TAIFXAmerican Funds Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income PF1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TXIFXAmerican Funds Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income PF2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TYIFXAmerican Funds Tax-Aware Conservative Growth and Income PF3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
NYAAXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New YorkANew York State Municipal Debt
NYACXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New YorkCNew York State Municipal Debt
NYAEXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New YorkF1New York State Municipal Debt
NYAFXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New YorkF2New York State Municipal Debt
TFNYXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Fund of New YorkF3New York State Municipal Debt
TEPAXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Preservation PortfolioA SeriesShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
TEPCXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Preservation PortfolioC SeriesShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
TEPFXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Preservation PortfolioF1 SeriesShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
TXEFXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Preservation PortfolioF2 SeriesShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
TYEFXAmerican Funds Tax-Exempt Preservation PortfolioF3 SeriesShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
AAFXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market Fund529-AU.S. Government Money Market
CCFXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market Fund529-CU.S. Government Money Market
EAFXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market Fund529-EInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
FARXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market Fund529-F-1Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
FFFXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market Fund529-F-2Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
FMUXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market Fund529-F-3Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
AFAXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundAU.S. Government Money Market
AAZXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundABLE-AU.S. Government Money Market
ABZXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundABLE-F2U.S. Government Money Market
AFCXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundCU.S. Government Money Market
AFFXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundF1Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
AFGXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundF2Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
USGXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundF3Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
RAAXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundR1Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
RABXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundR2Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
RBEXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundR2EInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
RACXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundR3Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
RADXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundR4Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
RAEXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundR5Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
RAGXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundR5EInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
RAFXXAmerican Funds US Government Money Market FundR6Institutional U.S. Government Money Market
AMHIXAmerican High-Income Municipal Bond FundAHigh Yield Municipal Debt
AHICXAmerican High-Income Municipal Bond FundCHigh Yield Municipal Debt
ABHFXAmerican High-Income Municipal Bond FundF1High Yield Municipal Debt
AHMFXAmerican High-Income Municipal Bond FundF2High Yield Municipal Debt
HIMFXAmerican High-Income Municipal Bond FundF3High Yield Municipal Debt
CITAXAmerican High-Income Trust529-AHigh Yield
CITCXAmerican High-Income Trust529-CHigh Yield
CITEXAmerican High-Income Trust529-EHigh Yield
CITFXAmerican High-Income Trust529-F-1High Yield
FAHHXAmerican High-Income Trust529-F-2High Yield
FTAHXAmerican High-Income Trust529-F-3High Yield
AHITXAmerican High-Income TrustAHigh Yield
AHTCXAmerican High-Income TrustCHigh Yield
AHTFXAmerican High-Income TrustF1High Yield
AHIFXAmerican High-Income TrustF2High Yield
HIGFXAmerican High-Income TrustF3High Yield
RITAXAmerican High-Income TrustR1High Yield
RITBXAmerican High-Income TrustR2High Yield
RTEHXAmerican High-Income TrustR2EHigh Yield
RITCXAmerican High-Income TrustR3High Yield
RITEXAmerican High-Income TrustR4High Yield
RITFXAmerican High-Income TrustR5High Yield
RITHXAmerican High-Income TrustR5EHigh Yield
RITGXAmerican High-Income TrustR6High Yield
CMLAXAmerican Mutual Fund529-ALarge-Cap Value
CMLCXAmerican Mutual Fund529-CLarge-Cap Value
CMLEXAmerican Mutual Fund529-ELarge-Cap Value
CMLFXAmerican Mutual Fund529-F-1Large-Cap Value
FFMMXAmerican Mutual Fund529-F-2Large-Cap Value
FFFMXAmerican Mutual Fund529-F-3Large-Cap Value
AMRMXAmerican Mutual FundALarge-Cap Value
AMFCXAmerican Mutual FundCLarge-Cap Value
AMFFXAmerican Mutual FundF1Large-Cap Value
AMRFXAmerican Mutual FundF2Large-Cap Value
AFMFXAmerican Mutual FundF3Large-Cap Value
RMFAXAmerican Mutual FundR1Large-Cap Value
RMFBXAmerican Mutual FundR2Large-Cap Value
RMEBXAmerican Mutual FundR2ELarge-Cap Value
RMFCXAmerican Mutual FundR3Large-Cap Value
RMFEXAmerican Mutual FundR4Large-Cap Value
RMFFXAmerican Mutual FundR5Large-Cap Value
RMFHXAmerican Mutual FundR5ELarge-Cap Value
RMFGXAmerican Mutual FundR6Large-Cap Value
CFAAXBond Fund of America529-ACore Bond
CFACXBond Fund of America529-CCore Bond
CFAEXBond Fund of America529-ECore Bond
CFAFXBond Fund of America529-F-1Core Bond
FFBOXBond Fund of America529-F-2Core Bond
FBOFXBond Fund of America529-F-3Core Bond
ABNDXBond Fund of AmericaACore Bond
BFACXBond Fund of AmericaCCore Bond
BFAFXBond Fund of AmericaF1Core Bond
ABNFXBond Fund of AmericaF2Core Bond
BFFAXBond Fund of AmericaF3Core Bond
RBFAXBond Fund of AmericaR1Core Bond
RBFBXBond Fund of AmericaR2Core Bond
RBEBXBond Fund of AmericaR2ECore Bond
RBFCXBond Fund of AmericaR3Core Bond
RBFEXBond Fund of AmericaR4Core Bond
RBFFXBond Fund of AmericaR5Core Bond
RBFHXBond Fund of AmericaR5ECore Bond
RBFGXBond Fund of AmericaR6Core Bond
CCCMXCapital Group California Core Municipal FundCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
CCSTXCapital Group California Short-Term Municipal FundCalifornia Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
CGBLCapital Group Core Balanced ETFMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
CGCBCapital Group Core Bond ETFCore Bond
CGUSCapital Group Core Equity ETFLarge-Cap Core
CGCPCapital Group Core Plus Income ETFCore Plus Bond
CGDGCapital Group Dividend Growers ETFGlobal Equity Income
CGDVCapital Group Dividend Value ETFEquity Income
CGGOCapital Group Global Growth Equity ETFGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CGGRCapital Group Growth ETFMulti-Cap Growth
CGIECapital Group International Equity ETFInternational Large-Cap Growth
CGXUCapital Group International Focus Equity ETFInternational Large-Cap Growth
CGMUCapital Group Municipal Income ETFGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
CGSDCapital Group Short Duration Income ETFShort-Investment-Grade Debt
CGSMCapital Group Short Duration Municipal Income ETFShort Municipal Debt
CGMSCapital Group U.S. Multi-Sector Income ETFMulti-Sector Income
CUSEXCapital Group US Equity FundLarge-Cap Core
CIRAXCapital Income Builder529-AGlobal Equity Income
CIRCXCapital Income Builder529-CGlobal Equity Income
CIREXCapital Income Builder529-EGlobal Equity Income
CIRFXCapital Income Builder529-F-1Global Equity Income
FBCIXCapital Income Builder529-F-2Global Equity Income
FWCBXCapital Income Builder529-F-3Global Equity Income
CAIBXCapital Income BuilderAGlobal Equity Income
CIBCXCapital Income BuilderCGlobal Equity Income
CIBFXCapital Income BuilderF1Global Equity Income
CAIFXCapital Income BuilderF2Global Equity Income
CFIHXCapital Income BuilderF3Global Equity Income
RIRAXCapital Income BuilderR1Global Equity Income
RIRBXCapital Income BuilderR2Global Equity Income
RCEEXCapital Income BuilderR2EGlobal Equity Income
RIRCXCapital Income BuilderR3Global Equity Income
RIREXCapital Income BuilderR4Global Equity Income
RIRFXCapital Income BuilderR5Global Equity Income
RIRHXCapital Income BuilderR5EGlobal Equity Income
RIRGXCapital Income BuilderR6Global Equity Income
CCWAXCapital World Bond Fund529-AGlobal Income
CCWCXCapital World Bond Fund529-CGlobal Income
CCWEXCapital World Bond Fund529-EGlobal Income
CCWFXCapital World Bond Fund529-F-1Global Income
FCWBXCapital World Bond Fund529F-2Global Income
FWBCXCapital World Bond Fund529F-3Global Income
CWBFXCapital World Bond FundAGlobal Income
CWBCXCapital World Bond FundCGlobal Income
WBFFXCapital World Bond FundF1Global Income
BFWFXCapital World Bond FundF2Global Income
WFBFXCapital World Bond FundF3Global Income
RCWAXCapital World Bond FundR1Global Income
RCWBXCapital World Bond FundR2Global Income
RCEBXCapital World Bond FundR2EGlobal Income
RCWCXCapital World Bond FundR3Global Income
RCWEXCapital World Bond FundR4Global Income
RCWFXCapital World Bond FundR5Global Income
RCWHXCapital World Bond FundR5EGlobal Income
RCWGXCapital World Bond FundR6Global Income
CWIAXCapital World Growth & Income Fund529-AGlobal Large-Cap Core
CWICXCapital World Growth & Income Fund529-CGlobal Large-Cap Core
CWIEXCapital World Growth & Income Fund529-EGlobal Large-Cap Core
CWIFXCapital World Growth & Income Fund529-F-1Global Large-Cap Core
FCWGXCapital World Growth & Income Fund529-F-2Global Large-Cap Core
FWCGXCapital World Growth & Income Fund529-F-3Global Large-Cap Core
CWGIXCapital World Growth & Income FundAGlobal Large-Cap Core
CWGCXCapital World Growth & Income FundCGlobal Large-Cap Core
CWGFXCapital World Growth & Income FundF1Global Large-Cap Core
WGIFXCapital World Growth & Income FundF2Global Large-Cap Core
FWGIXCapital World Growth & Income FundF3Global Large-Cap Core
RWIAXCapital World Growth & Income FundR1Global Large-Cap Core
RWIBXCapital World Growth & Income FundR2Global Large-Cap Core
RWBEXCapital World Growth & Income FundR2EGlobal Large-Cap Core
RWICXCapital World Growth & Income FundR3Global Large-Cap Core
RWIEXCapital World Growth & Income FundR4Global Large-Cap Core
RWIFXCapital World Growth & Income FundR5Global Large-Cap Core
RWIHXCapital World Growth & Income FundR5EGlobal Large-Cap Core
RWIGXCapital World Growth & Income FundR6Global Large-Cap Core
EMGEXEmerging Markets Growth FundF-3Emerging Markets
EMRGXEmerging Markets Growth FundMEmerging Markets
REFGXEmerging Markets Growth FundR-6Emerging Markets
CEUAXEuroPacific Growth Fund529-AInternational Large-Cap Growth
CEUCXEuroPacific Growth Fund529-CInternational Large-Cap Growth
CEUEXEuroPacific Growth Fund529-EInternational Large-Cap Growth
CEUFXEuroPacific Growth Fund529-F-1International Large-Cap Growth
FUEPXEuroPacific Growth Fund529-F-2International Large-Cap Growth
FEPUXEuroPacific Growth Fund529-F-3International Large-Cap Growth
AEPGXEuroPacific Growth FundAInternational Large-Cap Growth
AEPCXEuroPacific Growth FundCInternational Large-Cap Growth
AEGFXEuroPacific Growth FundF1International Large-Cap Growth
AEPFXEuroPacific Growth FundF2International Large-Cap Growth
FEUPXEuroPacific Growth FundF3International Large-Cap Growth
RERAXEuroPacific Growth FundR1International Large-Cap Growth
RERBXEuroPacific Growth FundR2International Large-Cap Growth
REEBXEuroPacific Growth FundR2EInternational Large-Cap Growth
RERCXEuroPacific Growth FundR3International Large-Cap Growth
REREXEuroPacific Growth FundR4International Large-Cap Growth
RERFXEuroPacific Growth FundR5International Large-Cap Growth
RERHXEuroPacific Growth FundR5EInternational Large-Cap Growth
RERGXEuroPacific Growth FundR6International Large-Cap Growth
CGFAXGrowth Fund of America529-ALarge-Cap Growth
CGFCXGrowth Fund of America529-CLarge-Cap Growth
CGFEXGrowth Fund of America529-ELarge-Cap Growth
CGFFXGrowth Fund of America529-F-1Large-Cap Growth
FAFGXGrowth Fund of America529-F-2Large-Cap Growth
FFAFXGrowth Fund of America529-F-3Large-Cap Growth
AGTHXGrowth Fund of AmericaALarge-Cap Growth
GFACXGrowth Fund of AmericaCLarge-Cap Growth
GFAFXGrowth Fund of AmericaF1Large-Cap Growth
GFFFXGrowth Fund of AmericaF2Large-Cap Growth
GAFFXGrowth Fund of AmericaF3Large-Cap Growth
RGAAXGrowth Fund of AmericaR1Large-Cap Growth
RGABXGrowth Fund of AmericaR2Large-Cap Growth
RGEBXGrowth Fund of AmericaR2ELarge-Cap Growth
RGACXGrowth Fund of AmericaR3Large-Cap Growth
RGAEXGrowth Fund of AmericaR4Large-Cap Growth
RGAFXGrowth Fund of AmericaR5Large-Cap Growth
RGAHXGrowth Fund of AmericaR5ELarge-Cap Growth
RGAGXGrowth Fund of AmericaR6Large-Cap Growth
CIMAXIncome Fund of America529-AMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CIMCXIncome Fund of America529-CMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CIMEXIncome Fund of America529-EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CIMFXIncome Fund of America529-F-1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FAIFXIncome Fund of America529-F-2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FFIFXIncome Fund of America529-F-3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AMECXIncome Fund of AmericaAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
IFACXIncome Fund of AmericaCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
IFAFXIncome Fund of AmericaF1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
AMEFXIncome Fund of AmericaF2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FIFAXIncome Fund of AmericaF3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RIDAXIncome Fund of AmericaR1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RIDBXIncome Fund of AmericaR2Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RIEBXIncome Fund of AmericaR2EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RIDCXIncome Fund of AmericaR3Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RIDEXIncome Fund of AmericaR4Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RIDFXIncome Fund of AmericaR5Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RIDHXIncome Fund of AmericaR5EMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
RIDGXIncome Fund of AmericaR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
CBOAXIntermediate Bond Fund of America529-AShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CBOCXIntermediate Bond Fund of America529-CShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CBOEXIntermediate Bond Fund of America529-EShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CBOFXIntermediate Bond Fund of America529-F-1Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
FFOOXIntermediate Bond Fund of America529-F-2Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
FIFBXIntermediate Bond Fund of America529-F-3Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
AIBAXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaAShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
IBFCXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaCShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
IBFFXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaF1Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
IBAFXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaF2Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
IFBFXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaF3Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RBOAXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaR1Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RBOBXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaR2Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
REBBXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaR2EShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RBOCXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaR3Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RBOEXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaR4Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RBOFXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaR5Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RBOHXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaR5EShort-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
RBOGXIntermediate Bond Fund of AmericaR6Short-Intermediate Investment-Grade Debt
CGIAXInternational Growth & Income Fund529-AInternational Large-Cap Core
CIICXInternational Growth & Income Fund529-CInternational Large-Cap Core
CGIEXInternational Growth & Income Fund529-EInternational Large-Cap Core
CGIFXInternational Growth & Income Fund529-F-1 sInternational Large-Cap Core
FGGGXInternational Growth & Income Fund529-F-2International Large-Cap Core
FGIGXInternational Growth & Income Fund529-F-3International Large-Cap Core
IGAAXInternational Growth & Income FundAInternational Large-Cap Core
IGICXInternational Growth & Income FundCInternational Large-Cap Core
IGIFXInternational Growth & Income FundF1International Large-Cap Core
IGFFXInternational Growth & Income FundF2International Large-Cap Core
IGAIXInternational Growth & Income FundF3International Large-Cap Core
RIGAXInternational Growth & Income FundR1International Large-Cap Core
RIGBXInternational Growth & Income FundR2International Large-Cap Core
RIIEXInternational Growth & Income FundR2EInternational Large-Cap Core
RGICXInternational Growth & Income FundR3International Large-Cap Core
RIGEXInternational Growth & Income FundR4International Large-Cap Core
RIGFXInternational Growth & Income FundR5International Large-Cap Core
RIGIXInternational Growth & Income FundR5EInternational Large-Cap Core
RIGGXInternational Growth & Income FundR6International Large-Cap Core
CICAXInvestment Company of America529-ALarge-Cap Core
CICCXInvestment Company of America529-CLarge-Cap Core
CICEXInvestment Company of America529-ELarge-Cap Core
CICFXInvestment Company of America529-F-1Large-Cap Core
FCIAXInvestment Company of America529-F-2Large-Cap Core
FAOOXInvestment Company of America529-F-3Large-Cap Core
AIVSXInvestment Company of AmericaALarge-Cap Core
AICCXInvestment Company of AmericaCLarge-Cap Core
AICFXInvestment Company of AmericaF1Large-Cap Core
ICAFXInvestment Company of AmericaF2Large-Cap Core
FFICXInvestment Company of AmericaF3Large-Cap Core
RICAXInvestment Company of AmericaR1Large-Cap Core
RICBXInvestment Company of AmericaR2Large-Cap Core
RIBEXInvestment Company of AmericaR2ELarge-Cap Core
RICCXInvestment Company of AmericaR3Large-Cap Core
RICEXInvestment Company of AmericaR4Large-Cap Core
RICFXInvestment Company of AmericaR5Large-Cap Core
RICHXInvestment Company of AmericaR5ELarge-Cap Core
RICGXInvestment Company of AmericaR6Large-Cap Core
LTEBXLimited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaAShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
LTXCXLimited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaCShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
LTXFXLimited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaF1Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
LTEFXLimited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaF2Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
FLTEXLimited Term Tax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaF3Short/Intermediate Municipal Debt
CNGAXNew Economy Fund529-AGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CNGCXNew Economy Fund529-CGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CNGEXNew Economy Fund529-EGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
CNGFXNew Economy Fund529-F-1Global Multi-Cap Growth
FNEEXNew Economy Fund529-F-2Global Multi-Cap Growth
FNNEXNew Economy Fund529-F-3Global Multi-Cap Growth
ANEFXNew Economy FundAGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
ANFCXNew Economy FundCGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
ANFFXNew Economy FundF1Global Multi-Cap Growth
NEFFXNew Economy FundF2Global Multi-Cap Growth
FNEFXNew Economy FundF3Global Multi-Cap Growth
RNGAXNew Economy FundR1Global Multi-Cap Growth
RNGBXNew Economy FundR2Global Multi-Cap Growth
RNNEXNew Economy FundR2EGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
RNGCXNew Economy FundR3Global Multi-Cap Growth
RNGEXNew Economy FundR4Global Multi-Cap Growth
RNGFXNew Economy FundR5Global Multi-Cap Growth
RNGHXNew Economy FundR5EGlobal Multi-Cap Growth
RNGGXNew Economy FundR6Global Multi-Cap Growth
CNPAXNew Perspective Fund529-AGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CNPCXNew Perspective Fund529-CGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CNPEXNew Perspective Fund529-EGlobal Large-Cap Growth
CNPFXNew Perspective Fund529-F-1Global Large-Cap Growth
FFPNXNew Perspective Fund529-F-2Global Large-Cap Growth
FNFPXNew Perspective Fund529-F-3Global Large-Cap Growth
ANWPXNew Perspective FundAGlobal Large-Cap Growth
NPFCXNew Perspective FundCGlobal Large-Cap Growth
NPFFXNew Perspective FundF1Global Large-Cap Growth
ANWFXNew Perspective FundF2Global Large-Cap Growth
FNPFXNew Perspective FundF3Global Large-Cap Growth
RNPAXNew Perspective FundR1Global Large-Cap Growth
RNPBXNew Perspective FundR2Global Large-Cap Growth
RPEBXNew Perspective FundR2EGlobal Large-Cap Growth
RNPCXNew Perspective FundR3Global Large-Cap Growth
RNPEXNew Perspective FundR4Global Large-Cap Growth
RNPFXNew Perspective FundR5Global Large-Cap Growth
RNPHXNew Perspective FundR5EGlobal Large-Cap Growth
RNPGXNew Perspective FundR6Global Large-Cap Growth
CNWAXNew World Fund529-AEmerging Markets
CNWCXNew World Fund529-CEmerging Markets
CNWEXNew World Fund529-EEmerging Markets
CNWFXNew World Fund529-F-1Emerging Markets
FNFWXNew World Fund529-F-2Emerging Markets
FWWNXNew World Fund529-F-3Emerging Markets
NEWFXNew World FundAEmerging Markets
NEWCXNew World FundCEmerging Markets
NWFFXNew World FundF1Emerging Markets
NFFFXNew World FundF2Emerging Markets
FNWFXNew World FundF3Emerging Markets
RNWAXNew World FundR1Emerging Markets
RNWBXNew World FundR2Emerging Markets
RNEBXNew World FundR2EEmerging Markets
RNWCXNew World FundR3Emerging Markets
RNWEXNew World FundR4Emerging Markets
RNWFXNew World FundR5Emerging Markets
RNWHXNew World FundR5EEmerging Markets
RNWGXNew World FundR6Emerging Markets
CSPFXSMALLCAP World Fund529-F-1GLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
FSWFXSMALLCAP World Fund529-F-2GLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
FSFWXSMALLCAP World Fund529-F-3GLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
CAAFXShort-Term Bond Fund of America529-AShort U.S. Government
CCAMXShort-Term Bond Fund of America529-CShort U.S. Government
CEAMXShort-Term Bond Fund of America529-EShort U.S. Government
CFAMXShort-Term Bond Fund of America529-F-1Short U.S. Government
FTSBXShort-Term Bond Fund of America529-F-2Short U.S. Government
FFTSXShort-Term Bond Fund of America529-F-3Short U.S. Government
ASBAXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaAShort U.S. Government
ASBCXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaCShort U.S. Government
ASBFXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaF1Short U.S. Government
SBFFXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaF2Short U.S. Government
FSBTXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaF3Short U.S. Government
RAMAXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaR1Short U.S. Government
RAMBXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaR2Short U.S. Government
RAAEXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaR2EShort U.S. Government
RAMCXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaR3Short U.S. Government
RAMEXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaR4Short U.S. Government
RAMFXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaR5Short U.S. Government
RAAGXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaR5EShort U.S. Government
RMMGXShort-Term Bond Fund of AmericaR6Short U.S. Government
AFTEXTax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaAGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
TEBCXTax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaCGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
AFTFXTax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaF1General and Insured Municipal Debt
TEAFXTax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaF2General and Insured Municipal Debt
TFEBXTax-Exempt Bond Fund of AmericaF3General and Insured Municipal Debt
TAFTXTax-Exempt Fund of CaliforniaACalifornia Municipal Debt
TECCXTax-Exempt Fund of CaliforniaCCalifornia Municipal Debt
TECFXTax-Exempt Fund of CaliforniaF1California Municipal Debt
TEFEXTax-Exempt Fund of CaliforniaF2California Municipal Debt
EXCAXTax-Exempt Fund of CaliforniaF3California Municipal Debt
CGTAXUS Government Securities Fund529-AGeneral U.S. Government
CGTCXUS Government Securities Fund529-CGeneral U.S. Government
CGTEXUS Government Securities Fund529-EGeneral U.S. Government
CGTFXUS Government Securities Fund529-F-1General U.S. Government
FSUGXUS Government Securities Fund529-F-2General U.S. Government
FSUUXUS Government Securities Fund529-F-3General U.S. Government
AMUSXUS Government Securities FundAGeneral U.S. Government
UGSCXUS Government Securities FundCGeneral U.S. Government
UGSFXUS Government Securities FundF1General U.S. Government
GVTFXUS Government Securities FundF2General U.S. Government
USGFXUS Government Securities FundF3General U.S. Government
RGVAXUS Government Securities FundR1General U.S. Government
RGVBXUS Government Securities FundR2General U.S. Government
RGEVXUS Government Securities FundR2EGeneral U.S. Government
RGVCXUS Government Securities FundR3General U.S. Government
RGVEXUS Government Securities FundR4General U.S. Government
RGVFXUS Government Securities FundR5General U.S. Government
RGVJXUS Government Securities FundR5EGeneral U.S. Government
RGVGXUS Government Securities FundR6General U.S. Government
CWMAXWashington Mutual Investors Fund529-ALarge-Cap Value
CWMCXWashington Mutual Investors Fund529-CLarge-Cap Value
CWMEXWashington Mutual Investors Fund529-ELarge-Cap Value
CWMFXWashington Mutual Investors Fund529F1Large-Cap Value
FWMMXWashington Mutual Investors Fund529F2Large-Cap Value
FWWMXWashington Mutual Investors Fund529F3Large-Cap Value
AWSHXWashington Mutual Investors FundALarge-Cap Value
WSHCXWashington Mutual Investors FundCLarge-Cap Value
WSHFXWashington Mutual Investors FundF1Large-Cap Value
WMFFXWashington Mutual Investors FundF2Large-Cap Value
FWMIXWashington Mutual Investors FundF3Large-Cap Value
RWMAXWashington Mutual Investors FundR1Large-Cap Value
RWMBXWashington Mutual Investors FundR2Large-Cap Value
RWEBXWashington Mutual Investors FundR2ELarge-Cap Value
RWMCXWashington Mutual Investors FundR3Large-Cap Value
RWMEXWashington Mutual Investors FundR4Large-Cap Value
RWMFXWashington Mutual Investors FundR5Large-Cap Value
RWMHXWashington Mutual Investors FundR5ELarge-Cap Value
RWMGXWashington Mutual Investors FundR6Large-Cap Value

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Feb 13, 2025.