Fund Directory - Franklin Templeton

Click on the fund symbol for a comprehensive Fund Cost Report.
Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
LMAPXBrandywineGLOBAL - Alternative Credit FundAAlternative Credit Focus
LMAQXBrandywineGLOBAL - Alternative Credit FundCAlternative Credit Focus
LMAOXBrandywineGLOBAL - Alternative Credit FundFIAlternative Credit Focus
LMANXBrandywineGLOBAL - Alternative Credit FundIAlternative Credit Focus
LMAMXBrandywineGLOBAL - Alternative Credit FundISAlternative Credit Focus
BCAAXBrandywineGLOBAL - Corporate Credit FundAHigh Yield
BGGCXBrandywineGLOBAL - Corporate Credit FundCHigh Yield
BCGIXBrandywineGLOBAL - Corporate Credit FundIHigh Yield
BGISXBrandywineGLOBAL - Corporate Credit FundISHigh Yield
LBWAXBrandywineGLOBAL - Diversified US Large Cap Value FundAMulti-Cap Value
LBWCXBrandywineGLOBAL - Diversified US Large Cap Value FundCMulti-Cap Value
LBWIXBrandywineGLOBAL - Diversified US Large Cap Value FundIMulti-Cap Value
LBISXBrandywineGLOBAL - Diversified US Large Cap Value FundISMulti-Cap Value
LBDRXBrandywineGLOBAL - Diversified US Large Cap Value FundRMulti-Cap Value
LFLAXBrandywineGLOBAL - Flexible Bond FundAMulti-Sector Income
LFLCXBrandywineGLOBAL - Flexible Bond FundCMulti-Sector Income
LFLIXBrandywineGLOBAL - Flexible Bond FundIMulti-Sector Income
LFLSXBrandywineGLOBAL - Flexible Bond FundISMulti-Sector Income
GOBAXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opportunities Bond FundAGlobal Income
LGOCXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opportunities Bond FundCGlobal Income
GOBCXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opportunities Bond FundC1Global Income
GOBFXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opportunities Bond FundFIGlobal Income
GOBIXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opportunities Bond FundIGlobal Income
GOBSXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opportunities Bond FundISGlobal Income
LBORXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opportunities Bond FundRGlobal Income
GLOAXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opps Bond Fund (USD Hedged)AGlobal Income
GLOCXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opps Bond Fund (USD Hedged)CGlobal Income
GBUSXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opps Bond Fund (USD Hedged)IGlobal Income
GLOBXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Opps Bond Fund (USD Hedged)ISGlobal Income
LROAXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Unconstrained Bond FundAAbsolute Return Bond
LAOCXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Unconstrained Bond FundCAbsolute Return Bond
LBAFXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Unconstrained Bond FundFIAbsolute Return Bond
LROIXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Unconstrained Bond FundIAbsolute Return Bond
LROSXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Unconstrained Bond FundISAbsolute Return Bond
LBARXBrandywineGLOBAL - Global Unconstrained Bond FundRAbsolute Return Bond
BGHAXBrandywineGLOBAL - High Yield FundAHigh Yield
BGHCXBrandywineGLOBAL - High Yield FundCHigh Yield
BGHIXBrandywineGLOBAL - High Yield FundIHigh Yield
BGHSXBrandywineGLOBAL - High Yield FundISHigh Yield
LEGDXBrandywineGLOBAL - Small Cap Value FundASmall-Cap Core
LEGEXBrandywineGLOBAL - Small Cap Value FundCSmall-Cap Core
LEGFXBrandywineGLOBAL - Small Cap Value FundISmall-Cap Core
LEGGXBrandywineGLOBAL - Small Cap Value FundISSmall-Cap Core
LEGHXBrandywineGLOBAL - Small Cap Value FundRSmall-Cap Core
DVALBrandywineGLOBAL-Dynamic US Large Cap Value ETFMulti-Cap Value
USFIBrandywineGLOBAL-U.S. Fixed Income ETFCorporate Debt BBB-Rated
CACGClearBridge All Cap Growth ESG ETFLarge-Cap Growth
SHFVXClearBridge All Cap Value FundAMulti-Cap Value
SFVCXClearBridge All Cap Value FundCMulti-Cap Value
SFVYXClearBridge All Cap Value FundIMulti-Cap Value
LSISXClearBridge All Cap Value FundISMulti-Cap Value
SHAPXClearBridge Appreciation FundALarge-Cap Core
SAPCXClearBridge Appreciation FundCLarge-Cap Core
LMPIXClearBridge Appreciation FundFILarge-Cap Core
SAPYXClearBridge Appreciation FundILarge-Cap Core
LMESXClearBridge Appreciation FundISLarge-Cap Core
LMPPXClearBridge Appreciation FundRLarge-Cap Core
YLDEClearBridge Dividend Strategy ESG ETFEquity Income
LCBOXClearBridge Dividend Strategy Fund1Equity Income
SOPAXClearBridge Dividend Strategy FundAEquity Income
SBPLXClearBridge Dividend Strategy FundCEquity Income
LBRIXClearBridge Dividend Strategy FundFIEquity Income
SOPYXClearBridge Dividend Strategy FundIEquity Income
LCBEXClearBridge Dividend Strategy FundISEquity Income
LMMRXClearBridge Dividend Strategy FundREquity Income
CFCVClearBridge Focus Value ESG ETFLarge-Cap Value
RGAVXClearBridge Global Infrastructure Income FundAGlobal Infrastructure
CBGAXClearBridge Global Infrastructure Income FundCGlobal Infrastructure
RGIVXClearBridge Global Infrastructure Income FundIGlobal Infrastructure
RGSVXClearBridge Global Infrastructure Income FundISGlobal Infrastructure
SHRAXClearBridge Growth FundAMulti-Cap Growth
SAGCXClearBridge Growth FundCMulti-Cap Growth
LMPFXClearBridge Growth FundFIMulti-Cap Growth
SAGYXClearBridge Growth FundIMulti-Cap Growth
LSIFXClearBridge Growth FundISMulti-Cap Growth
LMPRXClearBridge Growth FundRMulti-Cap Growth
LGGAXClearBridge International Growth FundAInternational Large-Cap Growth
LMGTXClearBridge International Growth FundCInternational Large-Cap Growth
LMGFXClearBridge International Growth FundFIInternational Large-Cap Growth
LMGNXClearBridge International Growth FundIInternational Large-Cap Growth
LMGPXClearBridge International Growth FundISInternational Large-Cap Growth
LMGRXClearBridge International Growth FundRInternational Large-Cap Growth
SBIEXClearBridge International Value FundAInternational Multi-Cap Value
SBICXClearBridge International Value FundCInternational Multi-Cap Value
SBIYXClearBridge International Value FundIInternational Multi-Cap Value
LSIUXClearBridge International Value FundISInternational Multi-Cap Value
LIORXClearBridge International Value FundRInternational Multi-Cap Value
LRGEClearBridge Large Cap Growth ESG ETFLarge-Cap Growth
SBLGXClearBridge Large Cap Growth FundALarge-Cap Growth
SLCCXClearBridge Large Cap Growth FundCLarge-Cap Growth
SBLYXClearBridge Large Cap Growth FundILarge-Cap Growth
LSITXClearBridge Large Cap Growth FundISLarge-Cap Growth
LCMMXClearBridge Large Cap Growth FundOLarge-Cap Growth
LMPLXClearBridge Large Cap Growth FundRLarge-Cap Growth
LCLIXClearBridge Large Cap Value Fund1Large-Cap Value
SINAXClearBridge Large Cap Value FundALarge-Cap Value
SINOXClearBridge Large Cap Value FundCLarge-Cap Value
SAIFXClearBridge Large Cap Value FundILarge-Cap Value
LMLSXClearBridge Large Cap Value FundISLarge-Cap Value
LCBVXClearBridge Large Cap Value FundRLarge-Cap Value
SMCPXClearBridge Mid Cap Fund1Mid-Cap Core
SBMAXClearBridge Mid Cap FundAMid-Cap Core
SBMLXClearBridge Mid Cap FundCMid-Cap Core
SMBYXClearBridge Mid Cap FundIMid-Cap Core
LSIRXClearBridge Mid Cap FundISMid-Cap Core
LMREXClearBridge Mid Cap FundRMid-Cap Core
LBGAXClearBridge Mid Cap Growth FundAMid-Cap Growth
LBGCXClearBridge Mid Cap Growth FundCMid-Cap Growth
LBGIXClearBridge Mid Cap Growth FundIMid-Cap Growth
LCMIXClearBridge Mid Cap Growth FundISMid-Cap Growth
LCMRXClearBridge Mid Cap Growth FundRMid-Cap Growth
LCLAXClearBridge Select FundAMulti-Cap Growth
LCLCXClearBridge Select FundCMulti-Cap Growth
LCBSXClearBridge Select FundFIMulti-Cap Growth
LBFIXClearBridge Select FundIMulti-Cap Growth
LCSSXClearBridge Select FundISMulti-Cap Growth
CBSCXClearBridge Select FundRMulti-Cap Growth
LMSAXClearBridge Small Cap FundASmall-Cap Core
LMASXClearBridge Small Cap FundCSmall-Cap Core
LGASXClearBridge Small Cap FundFISmall-Cap Core
LMNSXClearBridge Small Cap FundISmall-Cap Core
LISGXClearBridge Small Cap FundISSmall-Cap Core
LMARXClearBridge Small Cap FundRSmall-Cap Core
LMPMXClearBridge Small Cap Growth Fund1Small-Cap Growth
SASMXClearBridge Small Cap Growth FundASmall-Cap Growth
SCSMXClearBridge Small Cap Growth FundCSmall-Cap Growth
LMPSXClearBridge Small Cap Growth FundFISmall-Cap Growth
SBPYXClearBridge Small Cap Growth FundISmall-Cap Growth
LMOIXClearBridge Small Cap Growth FundISSmall-Cap Growth
LMPOXClearBridge Small Cap Growth FundRSmall-Cap Growth
SBVAXClearBridge Small Cap Value FundASmall-Cap Core
SBVLXClearBridge Small Cap Value FundCSmall-Cap Core
SMCYXClearBridge Small Cap Value FundISmall-Cap Core
LCBIXClearBridge Small Cap Value FundISSmall-Cap Core
CLSUXClearBridge Sustainability Leaders FundAMulti-Cap Core
CAABXClearBridge Sustainability Leaders FundCMulti-Cap Core
LCSTXClearBridge Sustainability Leaders FundFIMulti-Cap Core
LCISXClearBridge Sustainability Leaders FundIMulti-Cap Core
LCILXClearBridge Sustainability Leaders FundISMulti-Cap Core
CBSLXClearBridge Sustainability Leaders FundRMulti-Cap Core
INFRClearBridge Sustainable Infrastructure ETFIndustrials
CFLGXClearBridge Tactical Dividend Income FundAEquity Income
SMDLXClearBridge Tactical Dividend Income FundCEquity Income
LADIXClearBridge Tactical Dividend Income FundIEquity Income
LCBDXClearBridge Tactical Dividend Income FundISEquity Income
LGVAXClearBridge Value FundAMulti-Cap Value
LMVTXClearBridge Value FundCMulti-Cap Value
LMVFXClearBridge Value FundFIMulti-Cap Value
LMNVXClearBridge Value FundIMulti-Cap Value
CBVBXClearBridge Value FundISMulti-Cap Value
LMVRXClearBridge Value FundRMulti-Cap Value
TFSCXForeign Smaller Companies SeriesInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
FALZXFranklin Alabama Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FALQXFranklin Alabama Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FRALXFranklin Alabama Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FALEXFranklin Alabama Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FALRXFranklin Alabama Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FAZZXFranklin Arizona Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FAZQXFranklin Arizona Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FTAZXFranklin Arizona Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FAZIXFranklin Arizona Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FAZRXFranklin Arizona Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FTDZXFranklin Biotechnology Discovery FundAdvisorHealth/Biotechnology
FBDIXFranklin Biotechnology Discovery FundAHealth/Biotechnology
FBTDXFranklin Biotechnology Discovery FundCHealth/Biotechnology
FRBRXFranklin Biotechnology Discovery FundR6Health/Biotechnology
EZBCFranklin Bitcoin ETFAlternative Currency Strategies
FVCAXFranklin California High Yield Municipal FundAdvisorCalifornia Municipal Debt
FCQAXFranklin California High Yield Municipal FundACalifornia Municipal Debt
FCAMXFranklin California High Yield Municipal FundA1California Municipal Debt
FCAHXFranklin California High Yield Municipal FundCCalifornia Municipal Debt
FCAQXFranklin California High Yield Municipal FundR6California Municipal Debt
FRCZXFranklin California Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
FCCQXFranklin California Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundA SharCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
FKCIXFranklin California Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundA1California Intermediate Municipal Debt
FCCIXFranklin California Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundCCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
FCCRXFranklin California Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundR6California Intermediate Municipal Debt
FCAVXFranklin California Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorCalifornia Municipal Debt
FTFQXFranklin California Tax-Free Income FundACalifornia Municipal Debt
FKTFXFranklin California Tax-Free Income FundA1California Municipal Debt
FRCTXFranklin California Tax-Free Income FundCCalifornia Municipal Debt
FKTQXFranklin California Tax-Free Income FundR6California Municipal Debt
FCOZXFranklin Colorado Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FCOQXFranklin Colorado Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FRCOXFranklin Colorado Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FCOIXFranklin Colorado Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FKTLXFranklin Colorado Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FCNZXFranklin Connecticut Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FQCTXFranklin Connecticut Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FXCTXFranklin Connecticut Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FCTIXFranklin Connecticut Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FCTQXFranklin Connecticut Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FTCZXFranklin Conservative Allocation FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
FTCIXFranklin Conservative Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
FTCCXFranklin Conservative Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
FTCRXFranklin Conservative Allocation FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
FTCMXFranklin Conservative Allocation FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
FCSZXFranklin Convertible Securities FundAdvisorConvertible Securities
FISCXFranklin Convertible Securities FundAConvertible Securities
FROTXFranklin Convertible Securities FundCConvertible Securities
FCSKXFranklin Convertible Securities FundR6Convertible Securities
FCAZXFranklin Corefolio Allocation FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
FTCOXFranklin Corefolio Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
FTCLXFranklin Corefolio Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
FFAYXFranklin Corefolio Allocation FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
FTLQXFranklin Corefolio Allocation FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
BUYZFranklin Disruptive Commerce ETFConsumer Services
FDYZXFranklin DynaTech FundAdvisorMulti-Cap Growth
FKDNXFranklin DynaTech FundAMulti-Cap Growth
FDYNXFranklin DynaTech FundCMulti-Cap Growth
FDNRXFranklin DynaTech FundRMulti-Cap Growth
FDTRXFranklin DynaTech FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
FLMIFranklin Dynamic Municipal Bond ETFIntermediate Municipal Debt
DIEMFranklin Emerging Market Core Dividend Tilt Index ETFEmerging Markets
FEMDXFranklin Emerging Market Debt Opportunities FundEmerging Market Hard Currency Debt
FEIFXFranklin Equity Income FundAdvisorEquity Income
FISEXFranklin Equity Income FundAEquity Income
FRETXFranklin Equity Income FundCEquity Income
FREIXFranklin Equity Income FundREquity Income
FEIQXFranklin Equity Income FundR6Equity Income
XDATFranklin Exponential Data ETFScience and Technology
FLAXFranklin FTSE Asia ex Japan ETFPacific Ex-Japan
FLAUFranklin FTSE Australia ETFPacific Region
FLBRFranklin FTSE Brazil ETFLatin American
FLCAFranklin FTSE Canada ETFInternational Large-Cap Core
FLCHFranklin FTSE China ETFChina Region
FLEEFranklin FTSE Europe ETFEuropean Region
FLEUFranklin FTSE Eurozone ETFEuropean Region
FLGRFranklin FTSE Germany ETFEuropean Region
FLHKFranklin FTSE Hong Kong ETFChina Region
FLINFranklin FTSE India ETFIndia Region
FLJPFranklin FTSE Japan ETFJapanese
FLJHFranklin FTSE Japan Hedged ETFJapanese
FLLAFranklin FTSE Latin America ETFLatin American
FLMXFranklin FTSE Mexico ETFLatin American
FLSAFranklin FTSE Saudi Arabia ETFEmerging Markets
FLKRFranklin FTSE South Korea ETFPacific Ex-Japan
FLSWFranklin FTSE Switzerland ETFEuropean Region
FLTWFranklin FTSE Taiwan ETFChina Region
FLGBFranklin FTSE United Kingdom ETFEuropean Region
FITZXFranklin Federal Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorIntermediate Municipal Debt
FKQTXFranklin Federal Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundAIntermediate Municipal Debt
FKITXFranklin Federal Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundA1Intermediate Municipal Debt
FCITXFranklin Federal Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundCIntermediate Municipal Debt
FITQXFranklin Federal Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundR6Intermediate Municipal Debt
FTFZXFranklin Federal Limited-Term Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorShort Municipal Debt
FFLQXFranklin Federal Limited-Term Tax-Free Income FundAShort Municipal Debt
FFTFXFranklin Federal Limited-Term Tax-Free Income FundA1Short Municipal Debt
FFTRXFranklin Federal Limited-Term Tax-Free Income FundR6Short Municipal Debt
FAFTXFranklin Federal Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
FFQAXFranklin Federal Tax-Free Income FundAGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
FKTIXFranklin Federal Tax-Free Income FundA1General and Insured Municipal Debt
FRFTXFranklin Federal Tax-Free Income FundCGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
FFTQXFranklin Federal Tax-Free Income FundR6General and Insured Municipal Debt
FDAAXFranklin Floating Rate Daily Access FundAdvisorLoan Participation
FAFRXFranklin Floating Rate Daily Access FundALoan Participation
FCFRXFranklin Floating Rate Daily Access FundCLoan Participation
FFRDXFranklin Floating Rate Daily Access FundR6Loan Participation
FFOGFranklin Focused Growth ETFLarge-Cap Growth
HELXFranklin Genomic Advancements ETFHealth/Biotechnology
FGFZXFranklin Georgia Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FGAQXFranklin Georgia Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FTGAXFranklin Georgia Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FGAIXFranklin Georgia Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FGFQXFranklin Georgia Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FFAAXFranklin Global Allocation FundAdvisorFlexible Portfolio
FFALXFranklin Global Allocation FundAFlexible Portfolio
FFACXFranklin Global Allocation FundCFlexible Portfolio
FFARXFranklin Global Allocation FundRFlexible Portfolio
FFAQXFranklin Global Allocation FundR6Flexible Portfolio
LMPEXFranklin Global Equity Fund1Global Multi-Cap Core
CFIPXFranklin Global Equity FundAGlobal Multi-Cap Core
SILLXFranklin Global Equity FundCGlobal Multi-Cap Core
SMYIXFranklin Global Equity FundIGlobal Multi-Cap Core
SMYSXFranklin Global Equity FundISGlobal Multi-Cap Core
FGADXFranklin Gold and Precious Metals FundAdvisorPrecious Metals Equity
FKRCXFranklin Gold and Precious Metals FundAPrecious Metals Equity
FRGOXFranklin Gold and Precious Metals FundCPrecious Metals Equity
FGPMXFranklin Gold and Precious Metals FundR6Precious Metals Equity
FGTZXFranklin Growth Allocation FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FGTIXFranklin Growth Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FTGTXFranklin Growth Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FGTRXFranklin Growth Allocation FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FTGMXFranklin Growth Allocation FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FCGAXFranklin Growth FundAdvisorMulti-Cap Growth
FKGRXFranklin Growth FundAMulti-Cap Growth
FRGSXFranklin Growth FundCMulti-Cap Growth
FGSRXFranklin Growth FundRMulti-Cap Growth
FIFRXFranklin Growth FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
FRAAXFranklin Growth Opportunities FundAdvisorMulti-Cap Growth
FGRAXFranklin Growth Opportunities FundAMulti-Cap Growth
FKACXFranklin Growth Opportunities FundCMulti-Cap Growth
FKARXFranklin Growth Opportunities FundRMulti-Cap Growth
FOPPXFranklin Growth Opportunities FundR6Multi-Cap Growth
FVHIXFranklin High Income FundAdvisorHigh Yield
FHQRXFranklin High Income FundAHigh Yield
FHAIXFranklin High Income FundA1High Yield
FCHIXFranklin High Income FundCHigh Yield
FHIRXFranklin High Income FundRHigh Yield
FHRRXFranklin High Income FundR6High Yield
FLHYFranklin High Yield Corporate ETFHigh Yield
FHYVXFranklin High Yield Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorHigh Yield Municipal Debt
FHYQXFranklin High Yield Tax-Free Income FundAHigh Yield Municipal Debt
FRHIXFranklin High Yield Tax-Free Income FundA1High Yield Municipal Debt
FHYIXFranklin High Yield Tax-Free Income FundCHigh Yield Municipal Debt
FHYRXFranklin High Yield Tax-Free Income FundR6High Yield Municipal Debt
INCMFranklin Income Focus ETFFlexible Portfolio
FRIAXFranklin Income FundAdvisorFlexible Portfolio
FKIQXFranklin Income FundAFlexible Portfolio
FKINXFranklin Income FundA1Flexible Portfolio
FCISXFranklin Income FundCFlexible Portfolio
FISRXFranklin Income FundRFlexible Portfolio
FNCFXFranklin Income FundR6Flexible Portfolio
IQMFranklin Intelligent Machines ETFScience and Technology
FLIAFranklin International Aggregate Bond ETFInternational Income
DIVIFranklin International Core Dividend Tilt Index ETFInternational Large-Cap Core
LMEAXFranklin International Equity FundAInternational Multi-Cap Core
LMGEXFranklin International Equity FundCInternational Multi-Cap Core
LGFEXFranklin International Equity FundFIInternational Multi-Cap Core
LGIEXFranklin International Equity FundIInternational Multi-Cap Core
LIESXFranklin International Equity FundISInternational Multi-Cap Core
LMIRXFranklin International Equity FundRInternational Multi-Cap Core
FNGZXFranklin International Growth FundAdvisorInternational Multi-Cap Growth
FNGAXFranklin International Growth FundAInternational Multi-Cap Growth
FNGDXFranklin International Growth FundCInternational Multi-Cap Growth
FNGRXFranklin International Growth FundRInternational Multi-Cap Growth
FILRXFranklin International Growth FundR6International Multi-Cap Growth
LVHIFranklin International Low Volatility High Dividend Index ETFInternational Large-Cap Value
FLCOFranklin Investment Grade Corporate ETFCorporate Debt BBB-Rated
FLROXFranklin LifeSmart 2020 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2020
FLRMXFranklin LifeSmart 2020 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2020
FLRQXFranklin LifeSmart 2020 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2020
FLRVXFranklin LifeSmart 2020 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2020
FRTSXFranklin LifeSmart 2020 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2020
FLRFXFranklin LifeSmart 2025 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2025
FTRTXFranklin LifeSmart 2025 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2025
FTTCXFranklin LifeSmart 2025 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2025
FRELXFranklin LifeSmart 2025 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2025
FTLMXFranklin LifeSmart 2025 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2025
FLRZXFranklin LifeSmart 2030 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2030
FLRSXFranklin LifeSmart 2030 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2030
FLRTXFranklin LifeSmart 2030 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2030
FLRWXFranklin LifeSmart 2030 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2030
FLERXFranklin LifeSmart 2030 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2030
FLRHXFranklin LifeSmart 2035 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2035
FRTAXFranklin LifeSmart 2035 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2035
FTRCXFranklin LifeSmart 2035 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2035
FLRGXFranklin LifeSmart 2035 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2035
FMTLXFranklin LifeSmart 2035 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2035
FLSHXFranklin LifeSmart 2040 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2040
FLADXFranklin LifeSmart 2040 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2040
FLOLXFranklin LifeSmart 2040 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2040
FLSGXFranklin LifeSmart 2040 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2040
FLREXFranklin LifeSmart 2040 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2040
FLRLXFranklin LifeSmart 2045 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2045
FTTAXFranklin LifeSmart 2045 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2045
FLRIXFranklin LifeSmart 2045 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2045
FLRJXFranklin LifeSmart 2045 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2045
FMLTXFranklin LifeSmart 2045 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2045
FLSOXFranklin LifeSmart 2050 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2050
FLSJXFranklin LifeSmart 2050 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2050
FLSKXFranklin LifeSmart 2050 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2050
FLSNXFranklin LifeSmart 2050 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2050
FRLEXFranklin LifeSmart 2050 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2050
FLTKXFranklin LifeSmart 2055 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2055+
FLTFXFranklin LifeSmart 2055 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2055+
FLTNXFranklin LifeSmart 2055 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2055+
FLSBXFranklin LifeSmart 2055 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2055+
FLSZXFranklin LifeSmart 2055 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2055+
FLJSXFranklin LifeSmart 2060 Retirement Target FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target 2060
FLASXFranklin LifeSmart 2060 Retirement Target FundAMixed-Asset Target 2060
FLBSXFranklin LifeSmart 2060 Retirement Target FundCMixed-Asset Target 2060
FLESXFranklin LifeSmart 2060 Retirement Target FundRMixed-Asset Target 2060
FLFSXFranklin LifeSmart 2060 Retirement Target FundR6Mixed-Asset Target 2060
FLRDXFranklin LifeSmart Retirement Income FundAdvisorRetirement Income
FTRAXFranklin LifeSmart Retirement Income FundARetirement Income
FRTCXFranklin LifeSmart Retirement Income FundCRetirement Income
FBRLXFranklin LifeSmart Retirement Income FundRRetirement Income
FLMTXFranklin LifeSmart Retirement Income FundR6Retirement Income
FLDBXFranklin Long Duration Credit FundR6Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
FLTZXFranklin Louisiana Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FQLAXFranklin Louisiana Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FKLAXFranklin Louisiana Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FLAIXFranklin Louisiana Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FLAQXFranklin Louisiana Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FLDZXFranklin Low Duration Total Return FundAdvisorShort-Investment-Grade Debt
FLDAXFranklin Low Duration Total Return FundAShort-Investment-Grade Debt
FLDCXFranklin Low Duration Total Return FundCShort-Investment-Grade Debt
FLDRXFranklin Low Duration Total Return FundRShort-Investment-Grade Debt
FLRRXFranklin Low Duration Total Return FundR6Short-Investment-Grade Debt
FAUZXFranklin Low Duration US Government Securities FundAdvisorShort U.S. Government
FISAXFranklin Low Duration US Government Securities FundAShort U.S. Government
FAUGXFranklin Low Duration US Government Securities FundA1Short U.S. Government
FCSCXFranklin Low Duration US Government Securities FundCShort U.S. Government
FAURXFranklin Low Duration US Government Securities FundR6Short U.S. Government
FBFZXFranklin Managed Income FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FBLAXFranklin Managed Income FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FBMCXFranklin Managed Income FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FBFQXFranklin Managed Income FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FBFRXFranklin Managed Income FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FMDZXFranklin Maryland Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorMaryland Municipal Debt
FQMDXFranklin Maryland Tax-Free Income FundAMaryland Municipal Debt
FMDTXFranklin Maryland Tax-Free Income FundA1Maryland Municipal Debt
FMDIXFranklin Maryland Tax-Free Income FundCMaryland Municipal Debt
FMDQXFranklin Maryland Tax-Free Income FundR6Maryland Municipal Debt
FMAHXFranklin Massachusetts Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorMassachusetts Municipal Debt
FMAQXFranklin Massachusetts Tax-Free Income FundAMassachusetts Municipal Debt
FMISXFranklin Massachusetts Tax-Free Income FundA1Massachusetts Municipal Debt
FMAIXFranklin Massachusetts Tax-Free Income FundCMassachusetts Municipal Debt
FKTMXFranklin Massachusetts Tax-Free Income FundR6Massachusetts Municipal Debt
FMTFXFranklin Michigan Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FMQTXFranklin Michigan Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FTTMXFranklin Michigan Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FRMTXFranklin Michigan Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FKTNXFranklin Michigan Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FVRMXFranklin MicroCap Value FundAdvisorSmall-Cap Value
FRMCXFranklin MicroCap Value FundASmall-Cap Value
FMCVXFranklin MicroCap Value FundR6Small-Cap Value
FMNZXFranklin Minnesota Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorMinnesota Municipal Debt
FMNQXFranklin Minnesota Tax-Free Income FundAMinnesota Municipal Debt
FMINXFranklin Minnesota Tax-Free Income FundA1Minnesota Municipal Debt
FMNIXFranklin Minnesota Tax-Free Income FundCMinnesota Municipal Debt
FKTDXFranklin Minnesota Tax-Free Income FundR6Minnesota Municipal Debt
FRMZXFranklin Missouri Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FMQOXFranklin Missouri Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FRMOXFranklin Missouri Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FMOIXFranklin Missouri Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FMOQXFranklin Missouri Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FMTZXFranklin Moderate Allocation FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FMTIXFranklin Moderate Allocation FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FTMTXFranklin Moderate Allocation FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FTMRXFranklin Moderate Allocation FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FTMLXFranklin Moderate Allocation FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
SBBAXFranklin Multi-Asset Conservative Growth FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
SCBCXFranklin Multi-Asset Conservative Growth FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
LMEIXFranklin Multi-Asset Conservative Growth FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
LLARXFranklin Multi-Asset Conservative Growth FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
SBCPXFranklin Multi-Asset Defensive Growth FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
LWLAXFranklin Multi-Asset Defensive Growth FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
SBCLXFranklin Multi-Asset Defensive Growth FundC1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
LMGIXFranklin Multi-Asset Defensive Growth FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
LMLRXFranklin Multi-Asset Defensive Growth FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Conservative
SCHAXFranklin Multi-Asset Growth FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
SCHCXFranklin Multi-Asset Growth FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
LANIXFranklin Multi-Asset Growth FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
LLLRXFranklin Multi-Asset Growth FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Aggressive Growth
SCGRXFranklin Multi-Asset Moderate Growth FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
SCGCXFranklin Multi-Asset Moderate Growth FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
LLAIXFranklin Multi-Asset Moderate Growth FundIMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
LLMRXFranklin Multi-Asset Moderate Growth FundRMixed-Asset Target Allocation Growth
FLMBFranklin Municipal Green Bond ETFGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
TEBIXFranklin Mutual Beacon FundAGlobal Large-Cap Value
TEMEXFranklin Mutual Beacon FundCGlobal Large-Cap Value
FMBRXFranklin Mutual Beacon FundR6Global Large-Cap Value
BEGRXFranklin Mutual Beacon FundZGlobal Large-Cap Value
TEDIXFranklin Mutual Global Discovery FundAGlobal Multi-Cap Value
TEDSXFranklin Mutual Global Discovery FundCGlobal Multi-Cap Value
TEDRXFranklin Mutual Global Discovery FundRGlobal Multi-Cap Value
FMDRXFranklin Mutual Global Discovery FundR6Global Multi-Cap Value
MDISXFranklin Mutual Global Discovery FundZGlobal Multi-Cap Value
TEMIXFranklin Mutual International Value FundAInternational Multi-Cap Value
TEURXFranklin Mutual International Value FundCInternational Multi-Cap Value
FMURXFranklin Mutual International Value FundRInternational Multi-Cap Value
FMEUXFranklin Mutual International Value FundR6International Multi-Cap Value
MEURXFranklin Mutual International Value FundZInternational Multi-Cap Value
TEQIXFranklin Mutual Quest FundAFlexible Portfolio
TEMQXFranklin Mutual Quest FundCFlexible Portfolio
FMQSXFranklin Mutual Quest FundRFlexible Portfolio
FMQRXFranklin Mutual Quest FundR6Flexible Portfolio
MQIFXFranklin Mutual Quest FundZFlexible Portfolio
TESIXFranklin Mutual Shares FundAMulti-Cap Value
TEMTXFranklin Mutual Shares FundCMulti-Cap Value
TESRXFranklin Mutual Shares FundRMulti-Cap Value
FMSHXFranklin Mutual Shares FundR6Multi-Cap Value
MUTHXFranklin Mutual Shares FundZMulti-Cap Value
FRBSXFranklin Mutual US Mid Cap Value FundAMid-Cap Value
FBSAXFranklin Mutual US Mid Cap Value FundAdvisorMid-Cap Value
FCBSXFranklin Mutual US Mid Cap Value FundCMid-Cap Value
FBSRXFranklin Mutual US Mid Cap Value FundRMid-Cap Value
FBSIXFranklin Mutual US Mid Cap Value FundR6Mid-Cap Value
FNRAXFranklin Natural Resources FundAdvisorGlobal Natural Resources
FRNRXFranklin Natural Resources FundAGlobal Natural Resources
FNCRXFranklin Natural Resources FundCGlobal Natural Resources
FNCSXFranklin Natural Resources FundR6Global Natural Resources
FNJZXFranklin New Jersey Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorNew Jersey Municipal Debt
FNJQXFranklin New Jersey Tax-Free Income FundANew Jersey Municipal Debt
FRNJXFranklin New Jersey Tax-Free Income FundA1New Jersey Municipal Debt
FNIIXFranklin New Jersey Tax-Free Income FundCNew Jersey Municipal Debt
FNJRXFranklin New Jersey Tax-Free Income FundR6New Jersey Municipal Debt
FNYZXFranklin New York Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorNew York Intermediate Municipal Debt
FKNQXFranklin New York Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundANew York Intermediate Municipal Debt
FKNIXFranklin New York Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundA1New York Intermediate Municipal Debt
FKNCXFranklin New York Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundCNew York Intermediate Municipal Debt
FKNRXFranklin New York Intermediate-Term Tax-Free Income FundR6New York Intermediate Municipal Debt
FNYAXFranklin New York Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorNew York State Municipal Debt
FNYQXFranklin New York Tax-Free Income FundANew York State Municipal Debt
FNYTXFranklin New York Tax-Free Income FundA1New York State Municipal Debt
FNYIXFranklin New York Tax-Free Income FundCNew York State Municipal Debt
FKTJXFranklin New York Tax-Free Income FundR6New York State Municipal Debt
FNCZXFranklin North Carolina Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FQNCXFranklin North Carolina Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FXNCXFranklin North Carolina Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FNCIXFranklin North Carolina Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FNCQXFranklin North Carolina Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FROZXFranklin Ohio Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOhio Municipal Debt
FOHQXFranklin Ohio Tax-Free Income FundAOhio Municipal Debt
FTOIXFranklin Ohio Tax-Free Income FundA1Ohio Municipal Debt
FOITXFranklin Ohio Tax-Free Income FundCOhio Municipal Debt
FKTOXFranklin Ohio Tax-Free Income FundR6Ohio Municipal Debt
FOBXXFranklin OnChain US Government Money FundU.S. Government Money Market
FOFZXFranklin Oregon Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorOther State Municipal Debt
FOFQXFranklin Oregon Tax-Free Income FundAOther State Municipal Debt
FRORXFranklin Oregon Tax-Free Income FundA1Other State Municipal Debt
FORIXFranklin Oregon Tax-Free Income FundCOther State Municipal Debt
FOFRXFranklin Oregon Tax-Free Income FundR6Other State Municipal Debt
FPFZXFranklin Pennsylvania Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorPennsylvania Municipal Debt
FPAQXFranklin Pennsylvania Tax-Free Income FundAPennsylvania Municipal Debt
FRPAXFranklin Pennsylvania Tax-Free Income FundA1Pennsylvania Municipal Debt
FRPTXFranklin Pennsylvania Tax-Free Income FundCPennsylvania Municipal Debt
FRPRXFranklin Pennsylvania Tax-Free Income FundR6Pennsylvania Municipal Debt
FRLAXFranklin Real Estate Securities FundAdvisorReal Estate
FREEXFranklin Real Estate Securities FundAReal Estate
FRRSXFranklin Real Estate Securities FundCReal Estate
FSERXFranklin Real Estate Securities FundR6Real Estate
FGDLFranklin Responsibly Sourced Gold ETFCommodities Precious Metals
FRDAXFranklin Rising Dividends FundAdvisorLarge-Cap Core
FRDPXFranklin Rising Dividends FundALarge-Cap Core
FRDTXFranklin Rising Dividends FundCLarge-Cap Core
FRDRXFranklin Rising Dividends FundRLarge-Cap Core
FRISXFranklin Rising Dividends FundR6Large-Cap Core
SBSPXFranklin S&P 500 Index FundAS&P 500 Index
SBSDXFranklin S&P 500 Index FundDS&P 500 Index
FLBLFranklin Senior Loan ETFLoan Participation
FTSDFranklin Short Duration US Government ETFShort U.S. Government
FSSAXFranklin Small Cap Growth FundAdvisorSmall-Cap Growth
FSGRXFranklin Small Cap Growth FundASmall-Cap Growth
FCSGXFranklin Small Cap Growth FundCSmall-Cap Growth
FSSRXFranklin Small Cap Growth FundRSmall-Cap Growth
FSMLXFranklin Small Cap Growth FundR6Small-Cap Growth
FVADXFranklin Small Cap Value FundAdvisorSmall-Cap Value
FRVLXFranklin Small Cap Value FundASmall-Cap Value
FRVFXFranklin Small Cap Value FundCSmall-Cap Value
FVFRXFranklin Small Cap Value FundRSmall-Cap Value
FRCSXFranklin Small Cap Value FundR6Small-Cap Value
FSGAXFranklin Small-Mid Cap Growth FundAdvisorMid-Cap Growth
FRSGXFranklin Small-Mid Cap Growth FundAMid-Cap Growth
FRSIXFranklin Small-Mid Cap Growth FundCMid-Cap Growth
FSMRXFranklin Small-Mid Cap Growth FundRMid-Cap Growth
FMGGXFranklin Small-Mid Cap Growth FundR6Mid-Cap Growth
FKSAXFranklin Strategic Income FundAdvisorMulti-Sector Income
FRSTXFranklin Strategic Income FundAMulti-Sector Income
FSGCXFranklin Strategic Income FundCMulti-Sector Income
FKSRXFranklin Strategic Income FundRMulti-Sector Income
FGKNXFranklin Strategic Income FundR6Multi-Sector Income
FSMZXFranklin Strategic Mortgage PortfolioAdvisorU.S. Mortgage
FSMFXFranklin Strategic Mortgage PortfolioAU.S. Mortgage
FSMIXFranklin Strategic Mortgage PortfolioA1U.S. Mortgage
FSMHXFranklin Strategic Mortgage PortfolioCU.S. Mortgage
FSMQXFranklin Strategic Mortgage PortfolioR6U.S. Mortgage
FLSPFranklin Systematic Style Premia ETFAbsolute Return
FBDAXFranklin Total Return FundAdvisorCore Plus Bond
FKBAXFranklin Total Return FundACore Plus Bond
FCTLXFranklin Total Return FundCCore Plus Bond
FTRRXFranklin Total Return FundRCore Plus Bond
FRERXFranklin Total Return FundR6Core Plus Bond
FLCBFranklin US Core Bond ETFCore Bond
UDIVFranklin US Core Dividend Tilt Index ETFEquity Income
USPXFranklin US Equity Index ETFLarge-Cap Core
FMFXXFranklin US Government Money FundAU.S. Government Money Market
FTQXXFranklin US Government Money FundCU.S. Government Money Market
FRQXXFranklin US Government Money FundRU.S. Government Money Market
FRRXXFranklin US Government Money FundR6U.S. Government Money Market
FUSAXFranklin US Government Securities FundAdvisorGNMA
FKFSXFranklin US Government Securities FundAGNMA
FKUSXFranklin US Government Securities FundA1GNMA
FRUGXFranklin US Government Securities FundCGNMA
FUSRXFranklin US Government Securities FundRGNMA
FGORXFranklin US Government Securities FundR6GNMA
LMUSXFranklin US Large Cap Equity FundFILarge-Cap Core
LMTIXFranklin US Large Cap Equity FundILarge-Cap Core
LMISXFranklin US Large Cap Equity FundISLarge-Cap Core
FLQLFranklin US Large Cap Multifactor Index ETFLarge-Cap Core
FLLVFranklin US Low Volatility ETFLarge-Cap Core
LVHDFranklin US Low Volatility High Dividend Index ETFMulti-Cap Value
FLQMFranklin US Mid Cap Multifactor Index ETFMid-Cap Growth
LMBAXFranklin US Small Cap Equity FundASmall-Cap Core
LMBCXFranklin US Small Cap Equity FundCSmall-Cap Core
LGSCXFranklin US Small Cap Equity FundFISmall-Cap Core
LMSIXFranklin US Small Cap Equity FundISmall-Cap Core
LMBMXFranklin US Small Cap Equity FundISSmall-Cap Core
FLQSFranklin US Small Cap Multifactor Index ETFSmall-Cap Core
FLGVFranklin US Treasury Bond ETFGeneral U.S. Treasury
FLUDFranklin Ultra Short Bond ETFUltra Short Obligation
FRUAXFranklin Utilities FundAdvisorUtility
FKUQXFranklin Utilities FundAUtility
FKUTXFranklin Utilities FundA1Utility
FRUSXFranklin Utilities FundCUtility
FRURXFranklin Utilities FundRUtility
FUFRXFranklin Utilities FundR6Utility
FRVZXFranklin Virginia Tax-Free Income FundAdvisorVirginia Municipal Debt
FVAQXFranklin Virginia Tax-Free Income FundAVirginia Municipal Debt
FRVAXFranklin Virginia Tax-Free Income FundA1Virginia Municipal Debt
FVAIXFranklin Virginia Tax-Free Income FundCVirginia Municipal Debt
FRVRXFranklin Virginia Tax-Free Income FundR6Virginia Municipal Debt
TFEQXInternational Equity SeriesPrimaryInternational Large-Cap Value
TFESXInternational Equity SeriesServiceInternational Large-Cap Value
FABZXK2 Alternative Strategies FundAdvisorAlternative Multi-Strategy
FAAAXK2 Alternative Strategies FundAAlternative Multi-Strategy
FASCXK2 Alternative Strategies FundCAlternative Multi-Strategy
FSKKXK2 Alternative Strategies FundRAlternative Multi-Strategy
FASRXK2 Alternative Strategies FundR6Alternative Multi-Strategy
MACEXMartin Currie Emerging Markets FundAEmerging Markets
MCECXMartin Currie Emerging Markets FundCEmerging Markets
MEFIXMartin Currie Emerging Markets FundFIEmerging Markets
MCEIXMartin Currie Emerging Markets FundIEmerging Markets
MCEMXMartin Currie Emerging Markets FundISEmerging Markets
LCSMXMartin Currie SMASh Series EM FundEmerging Markets
MCSEMartin Currie Sustainable International Equity ETFInternational Large-Cap Growth
INFXXMoney Market PortfolioInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
SQLVRoyce Quant Small-Cap Quality Value ETFSmall-Cap Core
FQCHXSeries CHCalifornia Municipal Debt
FQTEXSeries EEquity Income
FQEMXSeries EMEmerging Markets
FQTHXSeries HHigh Yield Municipal Debt
FQTIXSeries IShort High Yield
TACWXTempleton China World FundAdvisorChina Region
TCWAXTempleton China World FundAChina Region
TCWCXTempleton China World FundCChina Region
FCWRXTempleton China World FundR6China Region
TDADXTempleton Developing Markets TrustAdvisorEmerging Markets
TEDMXTempleton Developing Markets TrustAEmerging Markets
TDMTXTempleton Developing Markets TrustCEmerging Markets
TDMRXTempleton Developing Markets TrustREmerging Markets
FDEVXTempleton Developing Markets TrustR6Emerging Markets
TEMZXTempleton Emerging Markets Small Cap FundAdvisorEmerging Markets
TEMMXTempleton Emerging Markets Small Cap FundAEmerging Markets
TCEMXTempleton Emerging Markets Small Cap FundCEmerging Markets
FTESXTempleton Emerging Markets Small Cap FundREmerging Markets
FTEQXTempleton Emerging Markets Small Cap FundR6Emerging Markets
TFFAXTempleton Foreign FundAdvisorInternational Multi-Cap Value
TEMFXTempleton Foreign FundAInternational Multi-Cap Value
TEFTXTempleton Foreign FundCInternational Multi-Cap Value
TEFRXTempleton Foreign FundRInternational Multi-Cap Value
FTFGXTempleton Foreign FundR6International Multi-Cap Value
TZINXTempleton Global Balanced FundAdvisorMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TAGBXTempleton Global Balanced FundAMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TINCXTempleton Global Balanced FundA1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FCGBXTempleton Global Balanced FundCMixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TCINXTempleton Global Balanced FundC1Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
FGGBXTempleton Global Balanced FundR6Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate
TGBAXTempleton Global Bond FundAdvisorGlobal Income
TPINXTempleton Global Bond FundAGlobal Income
TEGBXTempleton Global Bond FundCGlobal Income
FGBRXTempleton Global Bond FundRGlobal Income
FBNRXTempleton Global Bond FundR6Global Income
TGSAXTempleton Global Smaller Companies FundAdvisorGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
TEMGXTempleton Global Smaller Companies FundAGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
TESGXTempleton Global Smaller Companies FundCGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
FBOGXTempleton Global Smaller Companies FundR6GLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
TTRZXTempleton Global Total Return FundAdvisorGlobal Income
TGTRXTempleton Global Total Return FundAGlobal Income
TTRCXTempleton Global Total Return FundCGlobal Income
FRRGXTempleton Global Total Return FundRGlobal Income
FTTRXTempleton Global Total Return FundR6Global Income
TGADXTempleton Growth FundAdvisorGlobal Multi-Cap Value
TEPLXTempleton Growth FundAGlobal Multi-Cap Value
FTGQXTempleton Growth FundCGlobal Multi-Cap Value
TEGRXTempleton Growth FundRGlobal Multi-Cap Value
FTGFXTempleton Growth FundR6Global Multi-Cap Value
FIBZXTempleton International Bond FundAdvisorInternational Income
TBOAXTempleton International Bond FundAInternational Income
FCNBXTempleton International Bond FundCInternational Income
FIBQXTempleton International Bond FundR6International Income
TICGXTempleton International Climate Change FundAdvisorInternational Multi-Cap Value
TICBXTempleton International Climate Change FundAInternational Multi-Cap Value
TICDXTempleton International Climate Change FundCInternational Multi-Cap Value
TICEXTempleton International Climate Change FundR6International Multi-Cap Value
FEMZXTempleton Sustainable Emerging Markets Bond FundAdvisorEmerging Markets Local Currency Debt
FEMGXTempleton Sustainable Emerging Markets Bond FundAEmerging Markets Local Currency Debt
FEMHXTempleton Sustainable Emerging Markets Bond FundCEmerging Markets Local Currency Debt
FEMBXTempleton Sustainable Emerging Markets Bond FundREmerging Markets Local Currency Debt
FEMRXTempleton Sustainable Emerging Markets Bond FundR6Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt
TWDAXTempleton World FundAdvisorGlobal Multi-Cap Value
TEMWXTempleton World FundAGlobal Multi-Cap Value
TEWTXTempleton World FundCGlobal Multi-Cap Value
FTWRXTempleton World FundR6Global Multi-Cap Value
WABFWestern Asset Bond ETFCore Plus Bond
SHRCXWestern Asset California Municipals FundACalifornia Municipal Debt
SCACXWestern Asset California Municipals FundCCalifornia Municipal Debt
LMCUXWestern Asset California Municipals FundICalifornia Municipal Debt
SHRSXWestern Asset California Municipals FundISCalifornia Municipal Debt
WABAXWestern Asset Core Bond FundACore Bond
WABCXWestern Asset Core Bond FundCCore Bond
LWACXWestern Asset Core Bond FundC1Core Bond
WAPIXWestern Asset Core Bond FundFICore Bond
WATFXWestern Asset Core Bond FundICore Bond
WACSXWestern Asset Core Bond FundISCore Bond
WABRXWestern Asset Core Bond FundRCore Bond
WAPAXWestern Asset Core Plus Bond FundACore Plus Bond
WAPCXWestern Asset Core Plus Bond FundCCore Plus Bond
LWCPXWestern Asset Core Plus Bond FundC1Core Plus Bond
WACIXWestern Asset Core Plus Bond FundFICore Plus Bond
WACPXWestern Asset Core Plus Bond FundICore Plus Bond
WAPSXWestern Asset Core Plus Bond FundISCore Plus Bond
WAPRXWestern Asset Core Plus Bond FundRCore Plus Bond
SIGAXWestern Asset Corporate Bond FundACorporate Debt BBB-Rated
LWBOXWestern Asset Corporate Bond FundCCorporate Debt BBB-Rated
SBILXWestern Asset Corporate Bond FundC1Corporate Debt BBB-Rated
SIGYXWestern Asset Corporate Bond FundICorporate Debt BBB-Rated
LCBPXWestern Asset Corporate Bond FundPCorporate Debt BBB-Rated
SMGXXWestern Asset Government ReservesAU.S. Government Money Market
WAYAXWestern Asset High Yield FundAHigh Yield
WAYCXWestern Asset High Yield FundCHigh Yield
WAHYXWestern Asset High Yield FundIHigh Yield
WAHSXWestern Asset High Yield FundISHigh Yield
WAYRXWestern Asset High Yield FundRHigh Yield
SDSAXWestern Asset Income FundAMulti-Sector Income
LWSIXWestern Asset Income FundCMulti-Sector Income
SDSIXWestern Asset Income FundC1Multi-Sector Income
SDSYXWestern Asset Income FundIMulti-Sector Income
WAGIXWestern Asset Income FundISMulti-Sector Income
WAFAXWestern Asset Inflation Indexed Plus Bond FundAInflation-Protected Bond
WAFCXWestern Asset Inflation Indexed Plus Bond FundCInflation-Protected Bond
LWICXWestern Asset Inflation Indexed Plus Bond FundC1Inflation-Protected Bond
WATPXWestern Asset Inflation Indexed Plus Bond FundFIInflation-Protected Bond
WAIIXWestern Asset Inflation Indexed Plus Bond FundIInflation-Protected Bond
WAFSXWestern Asset Inflation Indexed Plus Bond FundISInflation-Protected Bond
WAFRXWestern Asset Inflation Indexed Plus Bond FundRInflation-Protected Bond
LWPXXWestern Asset Institutional Government ReservesLInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
INGXXWestern Asset Institutional Government ReservesInstitutionalInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
LGRXXWestern Asset Institutional Government ReservesInvestorInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
CILXXWestern Asset Institutional Liquid ReservesInstitutionalInstitutional Money Market
LLRXXWestern Asset Institutional Liquid ReservesInvestorInstitutional Money Market
LAOXXWestern Asset Institutional US Treasury Obligations Money MktAdminInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
LUIXXWestern Asset Institutional US Treasury Obligations Money MktInstInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
LAIXXWestern Asset Institutional US Treasury Obligations Money MktInvInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
CIIXXWestern Asset Institutional US Treasury ReservesInstitutionalInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
LTRXXWestern Asset Institutional US Treasury ReservesInvestorInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
WATAXWestern Asset Intermediate Bond FundACore Plus Bond
WATCXWestern Asset Intermediate Bond FundCCore Plus Bond
WATIXWestern Asset Intermediate Bond FundICore Plus Bond
WABSXWestern Asset Intermediate Bond FundISCore Plus Bond
WATRXWestern Asset Intermediate Bond FundRCore Plus Bond
ITCAXWestern Asset Intermediate Maturity California Municipals FundACalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
SIMLXWestern Asset Intermediate Maturity California Municipals FundCCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
SICYXWestern Asset Intermediate Maturity California Municipals FundICalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
IMNYXWestern Asset Intermediate Maturity New York Municipals FundANew York Intermediate Municipal Debt
SINLXWestern Asset Intermediate Maturity New York Municipals FundCNew York Intermediate Municipal Debt
LMIIXWestern Asset Intermediate Maturity New York Municipals FundINew York Intermediate Municipal Debt
SBLTXWestern Asset Intermediate-Term Municipals FundAIntermediate Municipal Debt
SMLLXWestern Asset Intermediate-Term Municipals FundCIntermediate Municipal Debt
SBTYXWestern Asset Intermediate-Term Municipals FundIIntermediate Municipal Debt
SMLSXWestern Asset Intermediate-Term Municipals FundISIntermediate Municipal Debt
LAAAXWestern Asset Macro Opportunities FundAAlternative Credit Focus
LAACXWestern Asset Macro Opportunities FundCAlternative Credit Focus
LAFIXWestern Asset Macro Opportunities FundFIAlternative Credit Focus
LAOIXWestern Asset Macro Opportunities FundIAlternative Credit Focus
LAOSXWestern Asset Macro Opportunities FundISAlternative Credit Focus
SMMOXWestern Asset Managed Municipals Fund1General and Insured Municipal Debt
SHMMXWestern Asset Managed Municipals FundAGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
SMMCXWestern Asset Managed Municipals FundCGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
SMMYXWestern Asset Managed Municipals FundIGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
SSMMXWestern Asset Managed Municipals FundISGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
SLMMXWestern Asset Massachusetts Municipals FundAMassachusetts Municipal Debt
SMALXWestern Asset Massachusetts Municipals FundCMassachusetts Municipal Debt
LHMIXWestern Asset Massachusetts Municipals FundIMassachusetts Municipal Debt
SGVSXWestern Asset Mortgage Total Return Fund1U.S. Mortgage
SGVAXWestern Asset Mortgage Total Return FundAU.S. Mortgage
LWMSXWestern Asset Mortgage Total Return FundCU.S. Mortgage
SGSLXWestern Asset Mortgage Total Return FundC1U.S. Mortgage
SGSYXWestern Asset Mortgage Total Return FundIU.S. Mortgage
LMBSXWestern Asset Mortgage Total Return FundISU.S. Mortgage
STXAXWestern Asset Municipal High Income FundAHigh Yield Municipal Debt
SMHLXWestern Asset Municipal High Income FundCHigh Yield Municipal Debt
LMHIXWestern Asset Municipal High Income FundIHigh Yield Municipal Debt
SHNJXWestern Asset New Jersey Municipals FundANew Jersey Municipal Debt
SNJLXWestern Asset New Jersey Municipals FundCNew Jersey Municipal Debt
LNJIXWestern Asset New Jersey Municipals FundINew Jersey Municipal Debt
SBNYXWestern Asset New York Municipals FundANew York State Municipal Debt
SBYLXWestern Asset New York Municipals FundCNew York State Municipal Debt
SNPYXWestern Asset New York Municipals FundINew York State Municipal Debt
SHORXWestern Asset Oregon Municipals FundAOther State Municipal Debt
SORLXWestern Asset Oregon Municipals FundCOther State Municipal Debt
LMOOXWestern Asset Oregon Municipals FundIOther State Municipal Debt
SBPAXWestern Asset Pennsylvania Municipals FundAPennsylvania Municipal Debt
SPALXWestern Asset Pennsylvania Municipals FundCPennsylvania Municipal Debt
LPPIXWestern Asset Pennsylvania Municipals FundIPennsylvania Municipal Debt
WABXXWestern Asset Premier Institutional Government ReservesCapInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
WACXXWestern Asset Premier Institutional Government ReservesPrmInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
WAAXXWestern Asset Premier Institutional Liquid ReservesCapitalInstitutional Money Market
WADXXWestern Asset Premier Institutional US Treasury ReservesCapitalInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
WAEXXWestern Asset Premier Institutional US Treasury ReservesPremInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
LMLCXWestern Asset SMASh Series C FundGeneral Bond
WAADXWestern Asset SMASh Series Core Completion FundCorporate Debt BBB-Rated
LMECXWestern Asset SMASh Series Core Plus Completion FundGlobal Income
LMSMXWestern Asset SMASh Series M FundGlobal Income
LSMSXWestern Asset SMASh Series TF FundGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
LTFXXWestern Asset Select Tax Free ReservesInvestorTax-Exempt Money Market
CIFXXWestern Asset Select Tax Free ReservesSelectTax-Exempt Money Market
SHIAXWestern Asset Short Duration High Income FundAShort High Yield
LWHIXWestern Asset Short Duration High Income FundCShort High Yield
SHICXWestern Asset Short Duration High Income FundC1Short High Yield
SHIYXWestern Asset Short Duration High Income FundIShort High Yield
LWSRXWestern Asset Short Duration High Income FundRShort High Yield
WINCWestern Asset Short Duration Income ETFShort-Investment-Grade Debt
SHDAXWestern Asset Short Duration Municipal Income FundAShort Municipal Debt
SHDLXWestern Asset Short Duration Municipal Income FundCShort Municipal Debt
CIABXWestern Asset Short Duration Municipal Income FundC2Short Municipal Debt
SMDYXWestern Asset Short Duration Municipal Income FundIShort Municipal Debt
SHDSXWestern Asset Short Duration Municipal Income FundISShort Municipal Debt
SBSTXWestern Asset Short-Term Bond FundAShort-Investment-Grade Debt
LWSOXWestern Asset Short-Term Bond FundCShort-Investment-Grade Debt
SSTLXWestern Asset Short-Term Bond FundC1Short-Investment-Grade Debt
SBSYXWestern Asset Short-Term Bond FundIShort-Investment-Grade Debt
LWSTXWestern Asset Short-Term Bond FundISShort-Investment-Grade Debt
LWARXWestern Asset Short-Term Bond FundRShort-Investment-Grade Debt
WBNDWestern Asset Total Return ETFCore Plus Bond
WAUAXWestern Asset Total Return Unconstrained FundAAbsolute Return Bond
WAUCXWestern Asset Total Return Unconstrained FundCAbsolute Return Bond
WARIXWestern Asset Total Return Unconstrained FundFIAbsolute Return Bond
WAARXWestern Asset Total Return Unconstrained FundIAbsolute Return Bond
WAASXWestern Asset Total Return Unconstrained FundISAbsolute Return Bond
WAURXWestern Asset Total Return Unconstrained FundRAbsolute Return Bond
ARMZXWestern Asset Ultra-Short Income FundAShort-Investment-Grade Debt
LWAIXWestern Asset Ultra-Short Income FundCShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ARMGXWestern Asset Ultra-Short Income FundC1Short-Investment-Grade Debt
SBAYXWestern Asset Ultra-Short Income FundIShort-Investment-Grade Debt
ARMLXWestern Asset Ultra-Short Income FundISShort-Investment-Grade Debt

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Feb 13, 2025.