Fund Directory - Gabelli Funds

Click on the fund symbol for a comprehensive Fund Cost Report.
Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
DRCVXComstock Capital Value FundAAlternative Global MACRO
COMVXComstock Capital Value FundAAAAlternative Global MACRO
CPCCXComstock Capital Value FundCAlternative Global MACRO
CPCRXComstock Capital Value FundIAlternative Global MACRO
GADVXGabelli ABC FundAdvisorAlternative Event Driven
GABCXGabelli ABC FundAAAAlternative Event Driven
GATAXGabelli Asset FundAMulti-Cap Value
GABAXGabelli Asset FundAAAMulti-Cap Value
GATCXGabelli Asset FundCMulti-Cap Value
GABIXGabelli Asset FundIMulti-Cap Value
GASTGabelli Automation ETFIndustrials
GCADGabelli Commercial Aerospace and Defense ETFIndustrials
GBCAXGabelli Dividend Growth FundAMulti-Cap Value
GABBXGabelli Dividend Growth FundAAAMulti-Cap Value
GBCCXGabelli Dividend Growth FundCMulti-Cap Value
GBCIXGabelli Dividend Growth FundIMulti-Cap Value
EMAAXGabelli Enterprise Mergers & Acquisitions FundAAlternative Event Driven
EAAAXGabelli Enterprise Mergers & Acquisitions FundAAAAlternative Event Driven
EMACXGabelli Enterprise Mergers & Acquisitions FundCAlternative Event Driven
EMAYXGabelli Enterprise Mergers & Acquisitions FundYAlternative Event Driven
GCAEXGabelli Equity Income FundAEquity Income
GABEXGabelli Equity Income FundAAAEquity Income
GEICXGabelli Equity Income FundCEquity Income
GCCEXGabelli Equity Income FundC1Equity Income
GCIEXGabelli Equity Income FundIEquity Income
GABFGabelli Financial Services Opportunities ETFFinancial Services
GWSAXGabelli Focused Growth and Income FundAMulti-Cap Value
GWSVXGabelli Focused Growth and Income FundAAAMulti-Cap Value
GWSCXGabelli Focused Growth and Income FundCMulti-Cap Value
GWSIXGabelli Focused Growth and Income FundIMulti-Cap Value
GTCAXGabelli Global Content & Connectivity FundATelecommunication
GABTXGabelli Global Content & Connectivity FundAAATelecommunication
GTCCXGabelli Global Content & Connectivity FundCTelecommunication
GTTIXGabelli Global Content & Connectivity FundITelecommunication
GGFSXGabelli Global Financial Services FundAGlobal Financial Services
GAFSXGabelli Global Financial Services FundAAAGlobal Financial Services
GCFSXGabelli Global Financial Services FundCGlobal Financial Services
GFSIXGabelli Global Financial Services FundIGlobal Financial Services
GGGAXGabelli Global Growth FundAGlobal Large-Cap Growth
GICPXGabelli Global Growth FundAAAGlobal Large-Cap Growth
GGGCXGabelli Global Growth FundCGlobal Large-Cap Growth
GGGIXGabelli Global Growth FundIGlobal Large-Cap Growth
GMNAXGabelli Global Mini Mites FundAGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
GAMNXGabelli Global Mini Mites FundAAAGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
GMNCXGabelli Global Mini Mites FundCGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
GGMMXGabelli Global Mini Mites FundIGLOBAL Small/Mid-Cap
GAGAXGabelli Global Rising Income and Dividend FundAGlobal Equity Income
GAGCXGabelli Global Rising Income and Dividend FundAAAGlobal Equity Income
GACCXGabelli Global Rising Income and Dividend FundCGlobal Equity Income
GAGIXGabelli Global Rising Income and Dividend FundIGlobal Equity Income
GLDAXGabelli Gold FundAPrecious Metals Equity
GOLDXGabelli Gold FundAAAPrecious Metals Equity
GLDCXGabelli Gold FundCPrecious Metals Equity
GLDIXGabelli Gold FundIPrecious Metals Equity
GGCAXGabelli Growth FundALarge-Cap Growth
GABGXGabelli Growth FundAAALarge-Cap Growth
GGCCXGabelli Growth FundCLarge-Cap Growth
GGCIXGabelli Growth FundILarge-Cap Growth
GGRWGabelli Growth Innovators ETFLarge-Cap Growth
GAIGXGabelli International Growth FundAInternational Large-Cap Growth
GIGRXGabelli International Growth FundAAAInternational Large-Cap Growth
GCIGXGabelli International Growth FundCInternational Large-Cap Growth
GIIGXGabelli International Growth FundIInternational Large-Cap Growth
GOCAXGabelli International Small Cap FundAInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
GABOXGabelli International Small Cap FundAAAInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
GGLCXGabelli International Small Cap FundCInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
GLOIXGabelli International Small Cap FundIInternational Small/Mid-Cap Growth
LOPPGabelli Love Our Planet & People ETFMulti-Cap Value
MLGLXGabelli Media Mogul FundAAlternative Event Driven
MOGLXGabelli Media Mogul FundIAlternative Event Driven
PETGXGabelli Pet Parents' FundASpecialty and Miscellaneous
PETZXGabelli Pet Parents' FundISpecialty and Miscellaneous
SRIAXGabelli SRI FundAMulti-Cap Value
SRIGXGabelli SRI FundAAAMulti-Cap Value
SRICXGabelli SRI FundCMulti-Cap Value
SRIDXGabelli SRI FundIMulti-Cap Value
GCASXGabelli Small Cap Growth FundASmall-Cap Core
GABSXGabelli Small Cap Growth FundAAASmall-Cap Core
GCCSXGabelli Small Cap Growth FundCSmall-Cap Core
GACIXGabelli Small Cap Growth FundISmall-Cap Core
GBAXXGabelli US Treasury Money Market FundAU.S. Treasury Money Market
GBCXXGabelli US Treasury Money Market FundCU.S. Treasury Money Market
GABXXGabelli US Treasury Money Market FundIU.S. Treasury Money Market
GAUAXGabelli Utilities FundAUtility
GABUXGabelli Utilities FundAAAUtility
GUXPXGabelli Utilities FundCUtility
GAUIXGabelli Utilities FundIUtility
GABVXGabelli Value 25 Fund IncAMulti-Cap Value
GVCAXGabelli Value 25 Fund IncAAAMulti-Cap Value
GVCCXGabelli Value 25 Fund IncCMulti-Cap Value
GVCIXGabelli Value 25 Fund IncIMulti-Cap Value

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Dec 7, 2024.