Fund Directory - IndexIQ

Click on the fund symbol for a comprehensive Fund Cost Report.
Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
IQINIQ 500 International ETFInternational Multi-Cap Value
ROOFIQ CBRE NextGen Real Estate ETFReal Estate
IQRAIQ CBRE Real Assets ETFReal Return
IQSIIQ Candriam International Equity ETFInternational Large-Cap Core
IQSUIQ Candriam US Large Cap Equity ETFLarge-Cap Core
IQSMIQ Candriam US Mid Cap Equity ETFSmall-Cap Core
OCENIQ Clean Oceans ETFGlobal Natural Resources
CLNRIQ Cleaner Transport ETFIndustrials
EQULIQ Engender Equality ETFMulti-Cap Core
HFXIIQ FTSE International Equity Currency Neutral ETFInternational Large-Cap Core
WRNDIQ Global Equity R&D Leaders ETFGlobal Large-Cap Value
HARTIQ Healthy Hearts ETFGlobal Health/Biotechnology
QAIIQ Hedge Multi-Strategy Tracker ETFAlternative Multi-Strategy
MMCAIQ MacKay California Municipal Intermediate ETFCalifornia Municipal Debt
ESGBIQ MacKay ESG Core Plus Bond ETFCore Plus Bond
IQHIIQ MacKay ESG High Income ETFHigh Yield
MMINIQ MacKay Municipal Insured ETFGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
MMITIQ MacKay Municipal Intermediate ETFIntermediate Municipal Debt
MNAIQ Merger Arbitrage ETFAlternative Event Driven
LRNDIQ US Large Cap R&D Leaders ETFLarge-Cap Core
IWFGIQ Winslow Focused Large Cap Growth ETFLarge-Cap Growth
IWLGIQ Winslow Large Cap Growth ETFLarge-Cap Growth

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Dec 7, 2024.