Fund Directory - Northern Trust

Click on the fund symbol for a comprehensive Fund Cost Report.
Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
NMMEXActive M Emerging Markets Equity FundEmerging Markets
NMIEXActive M International Equity FundInternational Multi-Cap Growth
NOAZXArizona Tax-Exempt FundOther State Municipal Debt
NOBOXBond Index FundCore Bond
NCITXCalifornia Intermediate Tax-Exempt FundCalifornia Intermediate Municipal Debt
NCATXCalifornia Tax-Exempt FundCalifornia Municipal Debt
NOCBXCore Bond FundCore Bond
NOEMXEmerging Markets Equity Index FundEmerging Markets
NOFIXFixed Income FundCore Bond
NGREXGlobal Real Estate Index FundGlobal Real Estate
NSRIXGlobal Sustainability Index FundIGlobal Large-Cap Core
NSRKXGlobal Sustainability Index FundKGlobal Large-Cap Core
BBALXGlobal Tactical Asset Allocation FundFlexible Portfolio
NHFIXHigh Yield Fixed Income FundHigh Yield
NHYMXHigh Yield Municipal FundHigh Yield Municipal Debt
NOIEXIncome Equity FundEquity Income
NOITXIntermediate Tax-Exempt FundIntermediate Municipal Debt
NOIGXInternational Equity FundInternational Multi-Cap Value
NOINXInternational Equity Index FundInternational Multi-Cap Core
NOLCXLarge Cap Core FundMulti-Cap Core
NOLVXLarge Cap Value FundMulti-Cap Value
NSITXLimited Term Tax-Exempt FundShort/Intermediate Municipal Debt
NSIUXLimited Term US Government FundShort-Intermediate U.S Government
NOMIXMid Cap Index FundS&P Midcap 400 Index
NMFIXMulti-Manager Global Listed Infrastructure FundGlobal Infrastructure
NMMGXMulti-Manager Global Real Estate FundGlobal Real Estate
NMHYXMulti-Manager High Yield Opportunity FundHigh Yield
BSBAXShort Bond FundShort-Investment-Grade Debt
NSGRXSmall Cap Core FundISmall-Cap Core
NSCKXSmall Cap Core FundKSmall-Cap Core
NSIDXSmall Cap Index FundSmall-Cap Core
NOSGXSmall Cap Value FundSmall-Cap Value
NOSIXStock Index FundS&P 500 Index
NTAUXTax-Advantaged Ultra-Short Fixed Income FundUltra Short Obligation
NOTEXTax-Exempt FundGeneral and Insured Municipal Debt
NTPXXTreasury PortfolioPremierInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
NITXXTreasury PortfolioSharesInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
SWSXXTreasury PortfolioSiebert Williams ShankInstitutional U.S. Treasury Money Market
NOUGXUS Government FundIntermediate U.S. Government
NOGXXUS Government Money Market FundU.S. Government Money Market
BNGXXUS Government PortfolioSharesInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
NOSXXUS Government Select Money Market FundU.S. Government Money Market
BSCXXUS Government Select PortfolioServiceInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
BGSXXUS Government Select PortfolioSharesInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
WCGXXUS Government Select PortfolioSiebert Williams ShankInstitutional U.S. Government Money Market
NUEIXUS Quality ESG FundILarge-Cap Core
NUESXUS Quality ESG FundKLarge-Cap Core
BTIAXUS Treasury Index FundGeneral U.S. Treasury
NUSFXUltra-Short Fixed Income FundUltra Short Obligation
SWSFXUltra-Short Fixed Income FundSiebert Williams ShankUltra Short Obligation

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Dec 7, 2024.