Fund Directory - True Shares

Click on the fund symbol for a comprehensive Fund Cost Report.
Ticker Symbol Fund Name Share Class Fund Category
DIVZOpal Dividend Income ETFEquity Income
SPCZRiverNorth Enhanced Pre-Merger SPAC ETFAlternative Event Driven
FLDZRiverNorth Patriot ETFMid-Cap Core
ERNZTrueShares Active Yield ETFMulti-Cap Core
RNWZTrueShares Eagle Global Renewable Energy Income ETFGlobal Natural Resources
APRZTrueShares Structured Outcome (April) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
AUGZTrueShares Structured Outcome (August) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
DECZTrueShares Structured Outcome (December) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
FEBZTrueShares Structured Outcome (February) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
JANZTrueShares Structured Outcome (January) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
JULZTrueShares Structured Outcome (July) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
JUNZTrueShares Structured Outcome (June) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
MARZTrueShares Structured Outcome (March) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
MAYZTrueShares Structured Outcome (May) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
NOVZTrueShares Structured Outcome (November) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
OCTZTrueShares Structured Outcome (October) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
SEPZTrueShares Structured Outcome (September) ETFOptions Arbitrage/Option Strategies
LRNZTrueShares Technology AI & Deep Learning ETFScience and Technology

This directory is refreshed monthly, most recently on Feb 13, 2025.