Check Your Fund's Historical Costs and Returns

How much did your fund cost in the past, and how well did it perform?

Enter the symbol of the fund whose history you wish to look up: Find fund symbol
You may optionally enter a symbol for a second fund to compare its history against the first fund:
What time period do you want to examine?

Depending on fund, maximum range is
Jan 1, 2004 to Jan 31, 2025.

From January 1,
To the last day of
What is the amount of the initial investment in the fund? $
What type of account would they be held in?  
If the funds are in a taxable account, what are your combined marginal tax rates...
For ordinary income? % Click here for a simple tool
to help estimate your tax rates
For long-term capital gains? %
For help on using the Fund History tool, click here.